(some) SSD's may last longer than currently thought

With a few recent threads covering SSD usage, I was reminded of 2 recent articles I came across, one from a monthly PC mag and the link below;


In all, six devices were originally involved in the test, but only two – the Kingston HyperX 3K and Samsung 840 Pro – are still functioning.

I like how the overall feel of the article implies SSD's last longer than we thought, but then gives the above example, which equates to a 66% failure rate.

Some more in-depth stats would have been nice; like at what stage did those other 4 died?

Could be stated it is an ad for Samsung perhaps? (but call me cynical)

Could be stated it is an ad for Samsung perhaps? (but call me cynical)

Or Samsung should start making car parts. ;)

I don't know how a life expectancy could be guaranteed because everyone will use their SSD differently, just like how some people have no luck with now old school hard drives dying in months while others use them more than a decade without issue.

see here by Augeas, http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42934&hl=

Couple of thousand years will suffice for me. :D

Couple of thousand years will suffice for me. :D

I would probably only last 1999 years 364 days, one day short. :lol:

Thankfully both my SSD's are Samsung brand. 1 a 840 Pro and 1 a 840 EVO - 1 in my Win 7 rebuild and 1 in my 3 month old Win 8.1.............however what I did notice was that the price difference between to two units (both the same size) purchased 7 months apart was 18% i.e the latter was 18% cheaper than the first SSD. I wonder if the latter will self destruct 1st.?

One wonders what price they will be in 5 years time? probably $25.00 each......lol

I've owned two SSDs, an OCZ Vertex III (60GB) and now a 120GB Corsair GT Force. Both work excellently, I only popped in the newer one because I got it as a gift!

see here by Augeas, http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=42934&hl=

Couple of thousand years will suffice for me. :D

Recently Crucial came out with a piece of software named the Crucial Storage Executive, which is used to analyze and maintain their various lines of SSD's. I installed it, and just by coincidence, about a week later I noticed that my M500's expected lifetime dropped from 100% to 99%. I dug out my sales receipt and found that I've owned this device for 10 months. If you extrapolate the numbers, namely that 1% = 10 months of use, then the remaining 99% equates to 82.5 years at my current rate of use. I had no idea that I had purchased an heirloom to pass on to my children and grandchildren.

@Derek, does the Crucial Storage Executive lag at all for you? I gave it a try but it would make my whole system become unresponsive for a few mins. Then switching from sysinfo to s.m.a.r.t. tab would crash it.

Maybe it just doesn’t like nightly.

@Derek, does the Crucial Storage Executive lag at all for you? I gave it a try but it would make my whole system become unresponsive for a few mins. Then switching from sysinfo to s.m.a.r.t. tab would crash it.

Maybe it just doesn't like nightly.

Hello @ Coffee4Joe - I've found it slow to start. But once it's running it responds normally and has never caused a system crash. Exactly which Crucial SSD model and which version of Windows are you using it on?

Cut and pasted from their website: "The Crucial Storage Executive is compatible with Microsoft® Windows® 7 or newer, and works with the Crucial M500, M550, MX100, MX200, and BX100 SSDs".

Hello @ Coffee4Joe - I've found it slow to start. But once it's running it responds normally and has never caused a system crash. Exactly which Crucial SSD model and which version of Windows are you using it on?

Cut and pasted from their website: "The Crucial Storage Executive is compatible with Microsoft® Windows® 7 or newer, and works with the Crucial M500, M550, MX100, MX200, and BX100 SSDs".

Have the m500 running windows 8.1 64bit. It just hangs up while it's doing the Checking Firmware. After that it's fine. Guess I was impatient and trying to click things before it was finished thinking.