my recovery seemed to be successful, all files seemed to be back. But by testing the files i found that most of them cant be opened. Mostly .ppt files.
The way the deleting has taken place:
- by a false mouse clicking i moved all files from USB-Stick in a subdirecory of this USB-Stick (of my colleague...)
- i stopped this after some seconds and then deleted this folder in a German windwos called like "removable medium" (what was the second mistake)
- after this we didn`t save anything other on the stick
- then used Recuva, wondering why some files are marked red as "unrecoverable" with the coment that thy have been overwrote by itself!?
- then we were lucky, it seemd all files to be back
- now we cant open most files
"e.g. does it open properly in Word? If it fails to open in the originating application, then the recovery has almost certainly failed."
does it now make sense to do a "deep scan"? i haven?t this stick here anymore and would like to give my colleague the solution...
is there any other chance to get all files back? I promise to donate something more if you can get me a solution! Knowing software cant do miracles..
Thank you for a answer