Some Feature Suggestions

Heh, just sent an email to Piriform asking how to provide feedback and suggestions. THEN i see there is a forum for that purpose. My blind.

Just tried Speccy. Very nice. Here are two future enhancements that would improve value for me.

1. I have a USB Hard Drive (my MyDocuments drive) that Speccy is not noticing. Would love to have that drive analyzed as well as my C drive. Not sure if this is a bug, or if USB drives are not accounted for at this time.

2. The memory report is great. Would love it, though, if it could also tell me what I am able to upgrade my memory to. It's all fine to know what I have; but what I could have would be even better.


Welcome to the forums! :)

1. I don't have a USB Hard Drive so I can't confirm if it's bug.

If it's not a bug I hope that Piriform includes this feature to Speccy in the future.

2. It already has been requested. ^^
