[SOLVED] Misterious DMP files in the main folder of CCleaner

Hi all

I found a lot of suspicious files in the main installation folder of mi CClenaer.

It has .dmp extension and a large alphanumerical name.

I dont know what are those files, what does, or if it can be deleted or not. I show you a image with the files, there are more


Can someone explain me what are those files?

Thanks a lot.

Those are Crash/Memory Dump files. Whatever version of CCleaner you have installed is obviously buggy and crashing allot. If you want to submit those to the developers/bug fixers you can just ZIP all of them and then attach/upload them to your post above.

and after that, they are save to delete.

what version of CC and Windows do you have?


In fact, that’s what I was afraid of, some bug report file or similar.

Excuse me for this, but I have deleted all those files and currently I do not have any, so when I have more I will attach them to this thread.

My operating system is Windws 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 with all the updates so far. I am using the latest version of CCleaner, 5.46.

Thank you so much for everything.

What security software do you use?

If you run Reliability Monitor (start..run in Windows) it should give you some idea of why CC crashed

1 hour ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		What security software do you use?

		If you run Reliability Monitor (start..run in Windows) it should give you some idea of why CC crashed

Hi hazelnut

My security solution is Malwarebytes antimalware with Ccleaner 5.46

Where can i launch the Reliability Monitor???

Thanks a lot

Press the Windows Start Button and type Reliability into the Search box.

You should then be able to click on the Reliability History that it comes up with.

Wait for it to load and investigate it.

Hi all again.

With the last version of CClenaer 5.47, i have not seen again those misterious .dmp files in my default instalation folder.

Now , the main folder just have the normal instalation files of CCleaner and it works perfectly.

Thanks again to all buddies for the help and to out great CCleaner Support team ;)