[Solved] CCleaner Wipes out Wordle History Scores

After running CCleaner my previous Wordle score history is wiped out. What setting in CCleaner can I change so this won't happen? What else will this change?

After some testing I can confirm that the Wordle scores are currently saved in a cookie - www.nytimes.com

If/when you clear that particular cookie then the puzzle resets and shows no previous score(s).

To stop CCleaner removing your Wordle score you need to set that particular cookie to be kept.

  1. Open CCleaner and go to Options>Cookies.
  2. Click on the www.nytimes.com cookie and then the blue arrow, to move it into 'Cookies to Keep'.
  3. CCleaner will now leave it alone and not clear your Wordle scores.

NOTE - Be careful not to select the wrong cookie to keep by mistake.

You may  see 3 (or more) 'nytimes' cookies, the one that you need to keep for the Wordle scores is - <strong>www.nytimes.com</strong> - the one highlighted in the screenshot below

You don't need to keep  '<em>nytimes.com</em>' (without the 'www') or '<em>a.nytimes.com</em>' which are also shown in this screenshot, those two are different cookies for different purposes (and they may not even be there for you).


It should now be in the 'Cookies to Keep' like this:
