Some of you probably know about Soluto, but I wanted to mention it on this forum because I think it's worth a look if you haven't already. I came across this program when I was jumping around in cyberspace. I decided to check it out and it seems to be quite useful in several ways. Instead of trying to explain it here, I am providing the link for more info for those who are interested.
What does it do?
It's like CCleaner, but hundreds of megabytes bigger.
Here's a link for Soluto, without worrying about getting it from the infection called CNET.
It's like CCleaner, but hundreds of megabytes bigger.
I wouldn't call it like CCleaner just from reading the description on Softpedia. And I remember a post about in on here some time ago, but I don't remember if the warning of using it was posted on here or elsewhere as some people had some heartache using it as in trashing their system. Personally I've never used it and have no intentions of using it.
I tried it when it was in beta.
It's a really fancy start up / service manager, also lets you manage some browser stuff (addons / plugins)
Not sure if they've since added a cleaning module, but it wouldn't surprise me. Initially though it was a "frustration manager" and gave you recommendations on what to remove from start up, what services to disable, and statistics about what other users did. It also had decent explanations of certain ones, installation date graph, and historical startup time graph.
I know there's now a Soluto Lite, but i don't know what it does.
Here's a link for Soluto, without worrying about getting it from the infection called CNET.
I agree with you Andavari, I don't like CNET much myself. Not sure why I posted the CNET link, I should have posted the Softpedia link myself - saving you the time to do it for me. Sorry 'bout that.
It's a really fancy start up / service manager, also lets you manage some browser stuff (addons / plugins)
... a "frustration manager" and gave you recommendations on what to remove from start up, what services to disable, and statistics about what other users did. It also had decent explanations of certain ones, installation date graph, and historical startup time graph.
Winnapp, thank you, I could not have described it better!
It's the Lite version I have been fooling around with and this is the only free version.
Ah, so I take it the full version is paid and probably has some newer features
Hi Winapp. I believe all other versions have a monthly fee.
I tried the free version about a year ago. The novelty wore off pretty quick.