SOLUTION for "no disc in drive" alert from ccleaner and/or any other app.

I have a thread here on "no disc in drive D" from ccleaner everytime i played a cd in my D drive and then when i opened ccleaner i`d get that annoying message.I always had to reboot my pc to get rid of that message.

Found the solution on youtube and it`s just a registry tweak that solves it.There were hundreds of other people having the same problem with that annoying message on youtube with a "variety of others apps" including ccleaner.

Go to:


After opening error mode the default value number is 0.Just change that number to 2,click ok and reboot.

It works and the annoying "no disc in drive D" never pops up anymore.As i mentioned,this fix will work for any "app" that pops up a "no disc in drive" alert.

Best of all i can now use CCLEANER again with no worries of having to remember "did i use my "D" cd drive recently"?

I had been using Slimcleaner in place of ccleaner since i never had any "no disc in drive" alerts with it.

After using both i prefer Ccleaner.

For those "not" wanting to get into their registry--just "don`t" do the fix.

I`m just posting this here in case others have the same problem and want a fix.When getting into your registry,be very careful and know what you are doing.Any changes you make you are doing so at your own risk.


have you try ccleaer v4.13 before you apply the registry fix?

according to the latest changelog,

  • Improved handling of removed and unmounted disks

have you try ccleaer v4.13 before you apply the registry fix?

according to the latest changelog,

  • Improved handling of removed and unmounted disks

I have not tried version 4.13 yet.My "D" drive is "mounted"/internal,and the changelog states improved handling for removed and "un"mounted disks.

My "D" drive was never removed either.

I`m just glad i found the registry fix,it was easy to do,but I searched for over 3 weeks for the fix.

I was amazed to find that hundreds of other people on youtube had the same problem,mostly with other apps,but they all had the same annoying "no disc in drive" alert,and now they don`t with the registry fix.

Some trying to help in this forum said it`s just a Windows bug and certain apps,like ccleaner bring it out.Could be very true.I never had the problem running Windows XP PRO in my old pc for several years,and Slimcleaner ran ok with "no" disc alerts,so who knows.Everyones computer setup is uniquely different.

Just thought i add,for those who may have this problem in the future----I`m running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 with all the latest updates,so the registry fix works for that setup,and the youtube video I found the fix from was running Windows 7 too.

So far as I am concerned, Microsoft code is greatly flawed with many bugs,

BUT I do believe that this registry value is available to control pop-ups that MAY HAVE A VALID CAUSE

I decided to look further into this "solution".

Your spelling is WRONG and has defeated both Google and Regscanner from Nirsoft.

The correct spelling is ERRORMODE

There should be no space in that word.

End of grumble.


Microsoft recommend

Windows NT allows the user to change the handling of hard error popups that result from application and system errors. Such errors include no disk in the drive and general protection (GP) faults.


In all modes, system-originated hard errors are logged to the system log. To run an unattended server, use mode 2.

N.B. Alarm bells ring when I see "Such errors include" - I wonder what are the other error which they have not listed.

I have just opened a box of life transforming pills with an information sheet that tells me all they will do for me,

and on the back of the sheet is a 46 cm long list of possible side effects, which concludes

"Please tell your doctor or pharmacist."

An I.T. Administrator is likely to have remote access,

and to know about and be able to fix "No Disk" and "GP Faults" even though there are no on-screen pop-ups.

Most people using this forum would not be seeking a solution for an unattended server.


Will the average user recognize that his software installation is frozen because his hardware is failing to recognize the presence of an installation DVD.

Will the average user suffer loss or inconvenience because "GP Faults" fail to deliver pop-ups ?

Would this break any third party applications for protective monitoring (e.g. over-temperature) that might issue pop-ups.


Perhaps you could launch a bit of code to change the registry value to avoid "no disk pop-ups" before you do the actions that result in them,

and when you have finished those actions then launch another bit of code to return the registry value to its previous state.

There are two bits of sample code included at



Will the average user recognize that his software installation is frozen because his hardware is failing to recognize the presence of an installation DVD.

Will the average user suffer loss or inconvenience because "GP Faults" fail to deliver pop-ups ?

Would this break any third party applications for protective monitoring (e.g. over-temperature) that might issue pop-ups.

Some so-called "tweaks" do have a caveat associated to them, even if they get rid of a common well known annoyance in the OS.

I think if posting any "tweaks" it would be better to link to a site that fully discloses exactly what a user would be changing and the effects of the change, for some people it may not be worth messing with the registry for something so very easily fixed by simply rebooting the system.