I have a thread here on "no disc in drive D" from ccleaner everytime i played a cd in my D drive and then when i opened ccleaner i`d get that annoying message.I always had to reboot my pc to get rid of that message.
Found the solution on youtube and it`s just a registry tweak that solves it.There were hundreds of other people having the same problem with that annoying message on youtube with a "variety of others apps" including ccleaner.
Go to:
After opening error mode the default value number is 0.Just change that number to 2,click ok and reboot.
It works and the annoying "no disc in drive D" never pops up anymore.As i mentioned,this fix will work for any "app" that pops up a "no disc in drive" alert.
Best of all i can now use CCLEANER again with no worries of having to remember "did i use my "D" cd drive recently"?
I had been using Slimcleaner in place of ccleaner since i never had any "no disc in drive" alerts with it.
After using both i prefer Ccleaner.
For those "not" wanting to get into their registry--just "don`t" do the fix.
I`m just posting this here in case others have the same problem and want a fix.When getting into your registry,be very careful and know what you are doing.Any changes you make you are doing so at your own risk.