I've heard it's not a good idea to defragment a solid state drive - Though Windows 8.1 allows you to configure your optimization utility (defragmenter) for SSDs, offering a trim feature suppliment. Windows XP, Vista, and 7 however don't have have that option without custom software included with your SSD (Presuming it does come with software), and Microsoft won't likely provide a Windows Update that fixes it. If defraggler offered an alternative option for trimming/optimizing solid state drives, I would definately utilize it, and recommend it to friends.
Windows 7 has TRIM support, XP doesn't.
XP reached EOL in April of 2014 so if you're using it, you really should reconsider
Windows 7 has TRIM support, XP doesn't.
XP reached EOL in April of 2014 so if you're using it, you really should reconsider
Mind = Blown
I know about XP's support ending, but a lot of people refuse to quit using it.
Still would be a nice feature to add to defraggler.
Mind = Blown
I know about XP's support ending, but a lot of people refuse to quit using it.
Still would be a nice feature to add to defraggler.
The devs read the threads, but it's surely understandable if they decline to add features for EOL systems, I think.
If they need additional information,they'll comment
OK, I don't use Defraggler (or any defragger directly), but even I know that Defraggler has had an SSD Optimise option for yonks.
As far as I can tell Defaggler's Optimise will send a TRIM command to the entire device if TRIM is enabled on both software and hardware. In the case of XP, where TRIM is not available, Defaggler's Optimise will zero fill the device, which has the same end result as issuing a volume-level TRIM.
Zero fill on an SSD is not the same as wipe free space, so there is not the same high level of writes to the SSD (but perhaps I wouldn't run it every day).
I use two operating systems. Windows 7 and Windows XP. In each of them I work with a SSD.
XP does not support TRIM. In Windows 7 no function to TRIM free space (as in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10).
Quick Optimize feature of Defraggler (using version 2.21) in Windows 7 sends TRIM for free space without filling it with zeros!
What I’ve done:
1 Launched Windows XP. Filled SSD free space with random data, and removed this data.
2 Launched Windows 7 and hex editor to make sure that the SSD is full (including free space).
3. Perform a quick optimize for SSD.
4. Wait a couple of minutes.
5. Start a hex editor, and found that the part of the SSD (a little larger than the free space) is filled with zeros.
- ???
Thanks to developers!
That’s what I was looking for.