In the past 24 hours, I've had to clear your damn "Last Chance" spam-pop-up probably 15 or 20 times. Every time, it covers almost 1/4 of the page, and rudely interrupts whatever I am doing or reading, to again remind me it's my "last chance", which will apparently last for the rest of the year. Being spam-popped 25 times a day WILL NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT I HAVE NO PERSONAL NEED OR USE FOR THE PRODUCT!! I have downloaded an absolute bare minimum of ANY type of software; I do now and will continue to have absolutely NO need or use for ANY type of "software updater". No matter HOW MANY TIMES I AM SPAMMED BY YOUR STUPID-ASS POP-UP, THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE!! All you are doing, is creating ill will by spam-popping me 25 times a day. It might be nice if someone at Piriform had the f***ing BRAINS to understand that!!
I dumped CC as soon as this started...... seems like years now. Although it is fun to log on here every once in a while and see that Piriform is still up to chasing away its users.
The software updater launch offer (which ended last week) was set to display only a couple of times per user. We've had a few reports of users receiving an excessive number of messages, however, due to the "has this user already seen this message" flag not being found. Version 5.54 fixed this for many users - but quite possibly not everyone. Which CCleaner version are you using?
They ended up with CCleaner after this Software Update, and still do not have a consensus that shows that the free version does not have it anymore.
I have a similar and much more reliable application in Kaspersky and even then I leave disabled, who chooses to update is me and not a software.