Current version =
New version = 8.20.468.0.0
<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">
See <a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>
<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">
The Software Updater tried to update this, but the attempt failed.
<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">
See <a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>
<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">
Clearly there's an issue with Software Updater not recognizing that my PC has the x64 edition of Windows 7.
<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">
This needs to be fixed.