So, I go to install the latest CCleaner...

...and I realize it's taking forever. I wonder, "What's the deal?". Installation finishes and, lo and behold, I have a Google Chrome icon on my desktop, despite never having seen an option to install Google Chrome in the installer. BAD, Piriform! BAD!

No! no! bad bucketmouse for not reading stuff when installing a program :)

Always, always read when installing, don't just click next.

Slim build has no other options but the ccleaner program, perhaps you could use that instead (or just be careful and untick things when installing programs).

Welcome to the forum bucketmouse.

Hazel, I believe I know why that happened.

Although this may not be in his specific case, I have had cases where installing the updated CCleaner whereupon the screen with the toolbar would take a few seconds delay to load. The next button would be available before the toolbar screen loads, giving the illusion that there are no checkmark boxes.

This is, of course, a bit annoying, & users who do not realize a toolbar comes included may be a little upset.

It can happen on slower systems, or even on higher end systems if they have a lot going on to slow up the computer.

It can also happen if the computer starts to do an automated task, & the computer just so happens to begin the power chore/drain right as a user decides to unpack the CCleaner installer...

While there are people who do simply just not read, I have also seen the case where the installer would delay or lag loading the toolbar & cause someone to erroneously simply just click next.

In testing, there have been instances where it took as long as 5 seconds for that screen to load.

I hope this helps, & I certainly hope the delayed loading is fixed in future versions.


Never seen that happen myself MrDon.

Perhaps another instance to remind ourself to take care when installing.

In this case the slim build sorts it.

Always, always read when installing, don't just click next.

I like to think I usually am careful to look at the options when installing a program. However, in this instance, I'm fairly certain I saw no checkbox to install/not install Chrome (BTW, I used the default download on CCleaner's website, like I always do). I've installed CCleaner on many a computer and the installer has never installed anything else or even offered me the option. I always thought Piriform was good about that (not barraging me with ads or trying to sneak in other programs, e.g., Foxit, Adobe, etc.).

I've seen that delay before that mr don writes about using a different software, but having prior knowledge that it came bundled with a 3rd party app I knew to wait.

bucketmouse, you're not crazy. This just happened to me the other day.

I updated to the latest version of CCleaner and ended up with Chrome installed, too. No checkbox, no asking me first, nothing.

From reading the other comments above, it sounds like somebody needs to go back to COS 101 and learn how to write an installer that works. Installing 3rd-party programs without consent or notification is the definition of malware.

edit: deleted

I think this thread can probably be closed.

I think this thread can probably be closed.

It is now!