Snow sucks!

i dont think that 4X4 would help you with 5 foot drifts........... :)

That's why I'd have a heavy duty winch installed onto it so it'd only be a matter of just wrapping it around a tree and I'd be free.

I wouldn't really know about snow drifts and such, being from SW Florida. We get exicted if the temps drop low enough to turn off the AC. lol

In Southern Ontario its about 0 Celcius, but for the weekend I'm in Manitoba where its a high of -20 or so, and my bro is working in the Yukon (around Alaska) and when he got there last week it was -57 with the wind chill, but he called yesterday to say it warmed up to -25 or so...

I love the snow and the cold...nothing chills beer faster than a nice big snowbank, and in fact i'm enjoying one from the snow right now

I love the snow and the cold...nothing chills beer faster than a nice big snowbank, and in fact i'm enjoying one from the snow right now

Although I don't consume any alcohol (I'm a Pepsi and Sierra Mist soda pop drinker myself) I'm glad you have a natural refrigerator that doesn't emit any CFC's, and all completely for free! Enjoy your beers.

Something that shocked me was I saw a spider walking on top of the snow outside.

Being a bit of a spider hater I've been tempted to pour water on it and watch till it froze to the spot :D

Being a bit of a spider hater I've been tempted to pour water on it and watch till it froze to the spot :D

Although I'm not into killing creatures when they're outside in their natural habitat (I'd rather just observe them) it may have been the "humane" thing to do since the spider was probably freezing to death when I noticed it. I've personally never seen a spider move so slowly as if it were difficult to walk, due to the cold of course. Now had I seen it inside the house I would've introduced it to a size 12 shoe of mine, squish, splat, game over spider.

Now had I seen it inside the house I would've introduced it to a size 12 shoe of mine, squish, splat, game over spider.
Hell Yeah! I hate them with a passion! I got bit by one on the path train. That was one of the worse type of pain I've ever felt. The spider wasn't piosonous, but it left a lil scar on me.

*** You are no more then 5 feet from a spider at any given time ***

admiralross, i have chills thinking about spiders now.

*** You are no more then 5 feet from a spider at any given time ***

They don't really freak me out because my basement which is an old unfinished one is full of them. What was really interesting was an albino spider in the basement I noticed one day a few years ago in the spring when I went down into the basement to turn the outside water on for the garden hose.

I can count on one hand when I was ever leary of a spider which was on two occasions just last year:

1. I noticed a rather big one I'm talking about the size of a wolf spider just sitting on the living room wall, and when I got within a few feet of it all of a sudden it raised up its front in an attack position.

2. Just a few months after that one even bigger than the one in the living room, this one was full female tarantula size with legs spread out that are approximately as big as a human adult male hand. This one was on the curtain in my stereo room and had skin that looked like the aliens in the Alien movies, now that was one creepy spider too because it also was in the attack position when I was within a few feet of it. I swear the Raid I sprayed on it took a full 30 minutes to even effect it before it started to die.

Strange just approaching those two really pissed them off. Good thing they weren't jumping spiders!

Oh and according to something I was watching on Animal Planet - all spiders are venomous, it just depends on how they evolved and how potent the venom is.

andavari, are you for real? i would not sleep at night with monsters like that in the house! i would wrestle a crack head any day of the week rather than wake up to see a spider that big on my wall! thats huge! ive never even seen a spider that big!

andavari, are you for real? i would not sleep at night with monsters like that in the house! i would wrestle a crack head any day of the week rather than wake up to see a spider that big on my wall! thats huge! ive never even seen a spider that big!
AGREED 100% Yeah man those are monsters! Over the summer my gf & I saw one of these in her mom sink! My gf smashed it with a shoe in the the sink! Just came up behind it and smashed it. That spider was huge but it was more legs then anything. I never seen one that big in my life. That's here in Tennessee.

1. I noticed a rather big one I'm talking about the size of a wolf spider just sitting on the living room wall, and when I got within a few feet of it all of a sudden it raised up its front in an attack position.

2. Just a few months after that one even bigger than the one in the living room, this one was full female tarantula size with legs spread out that are approximately as big as a human adult male hand. This one was on the curtain in my stereo room and had skin that looked like the aliens in the Alien movies, now that was one creepy spider too because it also was in the attack position when I was within a few feet of it. I swear the Raid I sprayed on it took a full 30 minutes to even effect it before it started to die.

Strange just approaching those two really pissed them off. Good thing they weren't jumping spiders!

Hell No! I'd be a$$**** & elbows If I saw them! I did see a black widow once in my ex-gf basement. She took a broom and smashed it. She did it like it was nothing!

Alien Spider! That'd be a new movie coming out! LMAO! RAID! That is too funny man! I think you need something more potent to kill them and with some quickness!

BTW: Where the hell do you live that you see those big spiders? Arizona?

I'm for real! According to the people of pest control that do bug spraying they were getting reports all over town last year of big aggressive spiders. Needless to say I think seeing spiders of that size is rare (at least for me) as the last spider I had ever seen near tarantula size was when I was a small child.

BTW: Where the hell do you live that you see those big spiders? Arizona?

No I'm in Iowa. Arizona would be nice though, no freakin' snow!

The Raid wasn't really all that effective however it allowed me to cautiously get that alien skinned looking spider into a ZipLoc bag which I then stepped on to finalize my dealing with that spider, however I remember it's thorax was so thick or tough it wouldn't even fully crush.

Those Brown Recluse spiders are down right nasty if you get bitten by them as they can cause serious damage to the flesh around a bite that can linger for months.

No I'm in Iowa. Arizona would be nice though, no freakin' snow! The Raid wasn't really all that effective however it allowed me to cautiously get that alien skinned looking spider into a ZipLoc bag which I then stepped on to finalize my dealing with that spider, however I remember it's thorax was so thick or tough it wouldn't even fully crush.
I forgot, you posted this to begin with about the snow...LOL. No snow here just cold. As for the spiders, that was a tough one to crush!

Right now its 36 degrees in Ketchikan, Alaska. Boy, up here it feels WARM when we reach 40 or 42 in December and January. But we barely get any snow in this town.

Right now its 36 degrees in Ketchikan, Alaska.

Greetings from Iowa. I've always wanted to vacation in your state!

It only gets down to the high 50's here in Arizona. The last couple of days it's been chilly of a morning, but the afternoons have been really nice.

I love it! :P

Greetings from Iowa. I've always wanted to vacation in your state!
Same here. A cruise along the western coast would be nice. Starting from San Fransico to Alaska.

its boiling here. not to mention the bushfires are so close. closer than its ever been before. may need to evacuate. probably the only christmas present we'll get is to hope nobody gets hurt.