Smart Ram

How does one get the SMART RAM to stop? Cant seem to find a way? Im using the free version. Thank you.

smart ram? what on earth is smart ram? And what has this got to do with ccleaner?

smart ram? what on earth is smart ram? And what has this got to do with ccleaner?

We know how smart flyingfish is!!!!

smart ram? what on earth is smart ram? And what has this got to do with ccleaner?

Well why not Google it and offer some advice instead of sarcasm :rolleyes:

For the OP, as far as I can tell Smart Ram is part of iobit's Advanced System Care so you should be able to disable it from within that program ;)

We know how smart flyingfish is!!!!

And there's absolutely no need for throwing insults at new members :angry:

Well why not Google it and offer some advice instead of sarcasm :rolleyes:

I did google it, and noticed iobits name. Please highlight the part where i was sarcastic?

I wanted the OP to report back with his reasons for coming here and associating it with ccleaner.

If we are all spoon fed every thing then who gets wiser? If we are gently nudged in the right direction we all can learn something.

I use Advanced SystemCare 3.5 and I have used SmartRam and its purpose is to clear RAM usage if its getting too full.

OK, you can disable SmartRam from unchecking it from the list of startup items and if you look at the screesnhot I have for you, I have clicked the Settings button on SmartRam and have unchecked the box saying "Run at Windows Startup" so it will not launch on start up or if its icon appears on the side panel of the taskbar, right click that small icon and Exit. That's how easy you can stop SmartRam if I am talking about the correct SmartRam you are supposedly using and had problems with. Here is a screenshot.

Well why not Google it and offer some advice instead of sarcasm :rolleyes:

For the OP, as far as I can tell Smart Ram is part of iobit's Advanced System Care so you should be able to disable it from within that program ;)

And there's absolutely no need for throwing insults at new members :angry:

You are absolutely right and I appologize for my insult. I have a sick sense of humour.