Slow at the end?

A complete defrag goes fine until I reach the end, by the end I mean when 90% is complete.

I have a Velociraptor 300 filled 100 GB only and when is is near the end, it is very slow, moving a file at a time and I have time to read the name of it at the bottom even for 1KB file. Anyone else?

I'd like to record a video of it so you can see...

ANYONE ELSE finds it slow at some point? Tell me how to record a clip, I'll show you.

Hi DeltaLima, you don't need to show us. We take your word for it.

Doing a bit of searching came up with the suggestion to check your drive for errors first. That can be one cause of the slow down you describe.

Try running checkdisk, and see what comes up. In the meantime, other members more knowledgable than me on defrag problems may have a better answer for you. At least we can possibly eliminate disk errors.

Running CheckDisk:

I used this on my older Athlon 64 system with first generation Sata drives. It works at good speed for me.

ATM I am settung up a Intel Core i7 with a Raid 0 of 2 x 750 GB HDD.

6 GB DDR3 1600 RAM on Vista Ultimate 64bit

I checked a partition with a few files on, found 120 MB in 12 files of defragmented files.

So i run defraggler and it took over 1 hour !!!

So i guess there is a huge bug somewhere.

No error... and also, this is a brand new Velociraptor.

I thought viewing it would help and others could compare or report similar behavior.