slipcore.exe APPcrash

CCleaner was recommended to me. I've read all the Docs files, thanks for them.

I'm running Vista Home Premium on a 2-year old HP Compaq.

I've never run a registry cleaner.

I have a specific problem with an .exe file. Should I try to remove it or leave it alone?

One morning I wanted to disconnect my seagate replica external drive (it backs up the entire OS, APPs, and files and backs up multiple PCs) and plug it into my friend's computer to back it up. The night before I did a Windows Defender Scan on my machine and everything looked ok. So in the morning I was just about to disconnect Replica. But, not only had Windows gone to sleep, it crashed.

I booted it, nothing happened, black screen.

Rebooted again, the Desktop showed up, but Firefox, IE, and Safari wouldn't work, neither did anything else.

A popup came up:

"Microsoft Windows problem signature. Event name: APPcrash.

Name: slipcore.exe, version

Read our privacy policy"... why Microsoft would send me to their Privacy Policy, I don't know :?

but one website says "slipcore is not Windows. It runs on startup. "slipcore is from SlipStream Data Inc" or "Nitro Web Accell" or "Dodo Speed Accell"or "1Dial Web Accell" or "QLink Fast" or "PurSpeed XL" :blink: . "Technical security rating is 65% dangerous. slipcore.exe can be a "pest". Program LISTENS FOR or SENDS DATA on OPEN PORTS to LAN or INTERNET. slipcore.exe is able to MONITOR applications." !

I stared at the warning slipcore popup for 15 minutes then bravely or desperately X-d out of it.

Mysteriously my computer started working again perfectly like Hey! look at me... nothing wrong here!! :rolleyes:

One website says: "slipcore.exe is an Accelerator. Not spyware, adware, virus or trojan, not recommended to remove.

Another website says slipcore errors are Windows file errors and are caused by a defective program registry that should be fixed immediately... fatal crashes; app freezes, shut down and start up trouble (that's me) and internal speaker beeps (that's me too... all youtube vids were beeping)." Also Firefox had slowed to a crawl, but is now zipping along. The website says to "run a performance and registry scan to identify slipcore.exe related errors to prevent further corruption", but it doesn't say what the related errors are, how to fix them, or delete the .exe." I guess this is for Advanced Ccleaner users :(

My Windows hasn't 'gone to sleep' or crashed since, & I haven't restarted the computer...I'm afraid the popup will come up again... I'm being held hostage :ph34r:

Now I'm metagrobolized (dazed and confused!) :wacko: I don't know what to do.

How can I remove an .exe if it isn't Windows related? Or is it? Can CCleaner help my situation?

Thanks :)

So what actual problems do you have NOW, unless I've missed something everything's working fine now, just your scared to restart in case of a problem, is that correct?

Don't worry too much about the search results you found, if you search for even the most legitimate filename you'll get results claiming its a problem that their reg scan or AV can fix. From my quick Google it looks perfectly legitimate to me. BUT if you wanna get you system checked over, and may be worth it just to be on the safe side, follow the instructions on this part of the forum and one of the malware experts will help you there:


I 'restart'ed it twice, no problems, no popup.

I hard 'reboot'ed it twice, no problems, no popup.

I'll go over to the url you suggested and have the computer checked out.

Thanks very much, glad you're here :D

I 'restart'ed it twice, no problems, no popup.

I hard 'reboot'ed it twice, no problems, no popup.

I'll go over to the url you suggested and have the computer checked out.

Thanks very much, glad you're here :D

Glad it's sorted, sounds like one of those annoying little problems that crop up once never to be seen again :)