Slight Sound Problem - Help Wanted

I don't know the exact time this happened, but its been some time.

Basically, my left speaker will only output noise when I put the volume up to the max (or near max), and even then it isn't very loud at all, whilst the right speaker will outpput noise fine...

Any help? Have tried new speakers in the PC, to no avail, same problem.....

Have you checked the L-R balance?

Is the problem consistent for all sources, i.e., Wave, CD, etc.?

...also if your speakers have to be plugged into a wall outlet for electrical power you may need to unplug the speakers from the outlet and then plug them back in. I had a pair of Altec Lansings that wouldn't work correctly if there was a lossage of electrical power during a storm. Other than that the only thing I'd suspect would be the sound card drivers, or the sound card itself.

The settings are all correct as far as I know, though where exactly do I check the L-R balance?

And it is consistent for everything, and it isn't the plug, as I have tried two different pair of speakers....

...where exactly do I check the L-R balance?

Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Volume tab > Advanced... button (in Device volume box). This will bring up your volume Control, where you can tweak all sorts of audio nuances, such as your balance, wave sound volume (Wave) , midi volume (SW Synth), etc. Under the Volume Control column, your balance should be in the middle.

I'll check when I'm back home, but I think I've checked it already, thanks though.

If the balance isn't the problem, one last thing before you replace your sound card ... if you have an alternative phono output (e.g., front plug panel jack for headphones) try that in case it's just a bad connection.

Tried it, it was as I though, central, as my right speak is the only one that works I put volume to the right speaker, but even put to the left it still only has a tiny bit of sound,as I described before.