Single-click defragging of multiple drives

One of last improvements:

- Added single-click analysis of multiple drives.

But what about single-click defragging of multiple drives?

not sure what you mean be 'single click'.

obviously there is not one button to do this but you get the same result by selecting all your drives listed, right clicking and selecting Defrag Drive.

DF will then do them in the order listed.

I like the ability to Analyze all with a single click - I see no harm with Analyze.

Past BSOD's and insults that I failed to "Close Windows Properly" cause me to fear any heavy duty actions by Windows,

So if I ever allow Windows to run amok with de-fragmentation and crash I would want to know what it was fiddling with when it died.

not sure what you mean be 'single click'.

obviously there is not one button to do this but you get the same result by selecting all your drives listed, right clicking and selecting Defrag Drive.

DF will then do them in the order listed.

Oh, I tried only to do defrag from file list and that didn't work. That's why I thought it doesn't work.

Seems like quick defrag works, which will be good enough for me too.

I'm just curious what's the difference between quick defrag and defrag from file list. I never managed to understand that well.

The only visible difference I see is that defrag from file list is faster that quick defrag.