Simple Question - Tools/Startup - Disable or Delete ? Please Explain

Hi. I know this is a simple question, and may be obvious, but I just wih to check I understand this right.

Under Tools / Startup you have the list of items that are started running each time Windows loads, and I know the best option is to have as little as you need in there.

My question is just about what the two options actually mean and do.

If I select DISABLE, then that means the program does not run. Correct? But the program/setup is still there (as it were) so I can RE-ENABLE it at a later date?

If I select DELETE, then that will remove? in the registry? the links to the program listed, or does it uninstall the actual program? Or what happens?

I presume if I select DELETE then I can never get the monitoring startup program back again, unless I reinstall that piece of software again?

If I may offer an example of what I mean to see if I have this right.

Say I install a Printer and it comes with a startup program that runs all the time to check, say if it's up to date.

I use Ccleaner to DISABLE this startup program, and it will never run this checking software, unless I RE-ENABLE it?

But it's there for me to turn on again if i wish.

If however I DELETE this startup program it's gone, and can't be got back, unless I re-install the printer software again, which wil put this monitoring app back onto my system again.

Is that correct?

Finally, if you think you never want to use a startup program. Is there any benefit for you, to delete it, other than just leave it there and disable?

Thank you for listening :)

I'd recommend only using Disable, that way you can very easily undo anything - similar to how MSCONFIG functions in a non-destructive way.

If you choose Delete the destructive way and a program has no functionality to re-enable itself to start with Windows via settings you'd end up having to do a repair install or complete reinstall of such a program.

I'd also recommend before changing anything that you make a System Restore Point to very easily undo any unwanted changes.

Also see the official documentation about Auto-Starting Programs:

Thank you.

That pretty much confirms what I thought.

I have in the past just used DISABLE and will continue to do so. Thanks :)

This is probably not the best area to suggest anything, however, here goes :)

Whenever I install a version of Windows. I have to find, and remember all the places you have to alter where windows puts things.

Where Windows Temp folder is.

Where Internet Explorer stores it's temp files.

Where the swap file is stored.

All this type of stuff that you need to hunt thru windows settings and remember!

It would be nice if Ccleaner could collect all those areas together under one window/menu/interface.

So that when you need to do it again, all these environment variables and locations of folders windows uses for general running and junk could be in Ccleaner for us to easy change.

I'd appreciate that as I'm sure would many many other users.
