Hi. I know this is a simple question, and may be obvious, but I just wih to check I understand this right.
Under Tools / Startup you have the list of items that are started running each time Windows loads, and I know the best option is to have as little as you need in there.
My question is just about what the two options actually mean and do.
If I select DISABLE, then that means the program does not run. Correct? But the program/setup is still there (as it were) so I can RE-ENABLE it at a later date?
If I select DELETE, then that will remove? in the registry? the links to the program listed, or does it uninstall the actual program? Or what happens?
I presume if I select DELETE then I can never get the monitoring startup program back again, unless I reinstall that piece of software again?
If I may offer an example of what I mean to see if I have this right.
Say I install a Printer and it comes with a startup program that runs all the time to check, say if it's up to date.
I use Ccleaner to DISABLE this startup program, and it will never run this checking software, unless I RE-ENABLE it?
But it's there for me to turn on again if i wish.
If however I DELETE this startup program it's gone, and can't be got back, unless I re-install the printer software again, which wil put this monitoring app back onto my system again.
Is that correct?
Finally, if you think you never want to use a startup program. Is there any benefit for you, to delete it, other than just leave it there and disable?
Thank you for listening