Silent Installation

Hi All,

I have thus far tried without success to mass deploy Defraggler to my domain PC's.

I have run the installer on my test PC with the -r switch to create a new setup.iss file (however this file is not being created)

I have also tried deploying with the -s switch but this also fails on the target PC's

has anyone got this to work, or would anyone be willing to share the contents of the setup.iss file for English with no Yahoo toolbar?


All our installers can be run silently with the /S parameter. :)

Does that make the assumption that the Yahoo Toolbar should NOT be installed on the target machine??

Richard S.

Does that make the assumption that the Yahoo Toolbar should NOT be installed on the target machine??

Richard S.

Indeed an excellent question and one thats been on my mind to...

I have 17 PCs I take care of for a Biz I help out at and I have Defraggler running on all them....

I need a solution that allows for a silent Install with no options selected (already got the menu and shortcuts)... especially the Yahoo toolbar ( I don't care for its bundling w/ app(s))

PS:As it turns out I recently discovered the cmd options for both CCleaner and Defraggler so I wrote a set of 4 batch files that take care of cleaning

our PCs. CCleaner runs in auto mode in all cases to Clean the PCs w/ set options. one set shuts the PC down after Defraging the second HDD, the other two do not.

Also the Alt. set of bat files preform a full defrag of the HDDs (shutdown or not), the other set do "/QD"

* cc&df-auto.cmd

* cc&df-auto-full.cmd

* cc&df-auto-full-sd.cmd

* cc&df-auto-sd.cmd

I'm still waiting for an answer MrG.

Richard S.