SideBySide Error on comctl32.dll - Conflict between x32 and x64 variants. Why ? ?

And incidentally, why do they live in Windows\winsx instead of being separated between system32 and sysWow64 ! !

Quad Core Windows 64 bit 7 Ultimate + SP1 4

There were NEVER any SideBySide Errors concerning anything at all until 2nd May on the arrival of

SoftonicDownloader_for_notepad-portable.exe on E:\Downloads (FireFox delivery target on Secondary HDD)

I would like to know if the PRESENCE of a toolbar installer is a good reason for a SideBySide error,

Or whether an almost new Windows 7 installation is corrupt with a 0.5% probability of a malfunction for every Download.

So far I have amassed 217 downloads. Does Windows need to be fixed to avoid a future SideBySide Error.

The error occurs immediately Win 7 notices the presence of this file. NOT upon execution of the file.

Does Win 7 (in)validate EVERY *.exe file that it sees, or only those with some sort of Auto-Run attribute ?

Why does Windows 7 go berserk over an EXE file that is NOT being used but just sitting on a non-system secondary drive ?

Should W7 make a pre-emptive strike against something that is never going to be used ?

Why does Win 7 repeat this error message only 2 or 3 times a week, even though I use the P.C. 3 times a day ?

Why would Win 7 be concerned about conflict with 64 bit comctl32.dll due to a 32 bit executable downloader...

(since they obviously want their toolbar installed I doubt that it restricts itself to 64 bit machines.)

I have an image of C:\ taken on 1st May before the arrival of downloader with its problems.

I have restored that image and get the same SideBySide Error every time it gets a sniff of SoftonicDownloader :-

Immediate, when powered up with E:\Downloads already holding downloader...

Delayed when powered up with E:\Downloads\Unzip already holding downloader...

Delayed until Windows Explorer looked at (BUT DID NOT TOUCH) the contents of E:\Downloads\Unzip.

Immediate, when Flash Drive G:\ is plugged in with downloader...

Immediate, when it arrives in E:\Downloads after pasting into Firefox Address Bar

At a once per month precautionary check of the event logs I saw SideBySide errors caused by SoftonicDownloader...

Comodo A.V. has scanned it as clean;

Google search for "Portable Notepad" found the Softonic "Bait and Switch" website, and I downloaded this along with others for evaluation;

I never previously executed it because I was satisfied by my evaluation of another candidate;

I am horrified by the unethical behaviour :-

It claimed to offer "Notepad++ Portable 5.9" but instead they downloaded their ToolBar Installer,

and when I finally tried it there was no way to get the promised PORTABLE from them without first accepting the toolbar,

and only when I allowed them to INSTALL the toolbars did they POLLUTE MY DESKTOP with NotepadPlusPlusPortable_5.9.2.paf.exe,

which is a legitimate Sourceforge Portable application that Sourceforge would have CORRECTLY delivered to E:\Downloads.

Although I consider their behaviour unethical, their down-loader does not appear to be malevolent malware,

but it appears to cause grief to Windows 7 Ultimate,

unless of course it is the fault of Microsoft for creating two conflicting variants of comctl32.dll,

in which case I would like to get Windows fixed so it does not make the same mistake with a different future download.

I have chosen to avoid any taint and made a clean start from the clean image 1st May,

and re-done the upgrades and installations that took me a month to select.

Below is the small print - the actual messages which have probably pointed me in totally the wrong direction.

The SideBySide Error reports :-

Activation context generation failed for "E:\Downloads\SoftonicDownloader_for_notepad-portable.exe".

Error in manifest or policy file "" on line . A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active.

Conflicting components are:.

Component 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\

Component 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\

These two manifests stipulate the files "comctl32.dll" located at



The properties describe the file as "User Experience Controls Library"

It seems to me that these files may be involved in the detection of SideBySide errors,

so are they issuing a vote of non-confidence in themselves ?

I have run "sfc /scannow" and found no errors.

I am concerned that comctl32.dll is described as "User Experience Controls Library"

and I wonder how this is related to the System event logs which at the time of SideBySide Errors are saying

"Application-Experience : The Program Compatibility Assistant service started successfully"

i.e. Is Win 7 saying that Microsoft have an incompatibility between the dll's that should detect

"A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active"



Perhaps Sonic Downloader is one of those programs that replaces a windows .dll with one of its own.

Perhaps each time your Windows sees it , it knows what is it going to try to do.

Have you tried replacing your version of comctl32.dll?

Perhaps Sonic Downloader is one of those programs that replaces a windows .dll with one of its own.

Perhaps each time your Windows sees it , it knows what is it going to try to do.

Have you tried replacing your version of comctl32.dll?

I had the problem after the download but before I ever executed,

but just in case :-

I selected the earliest Macrium image file of Windows 7 immediately after installation at 4th Feb 2011, and mounted as G:\

I used wincmp3 to compare

C:\Windows\winsx\\comctl32.dll with


They were declared to be identical and hexadecimal pairs showed wincmp3 was in binary mode and had not defaulted to text comparison.

I repeated the comparison with the same "identical file" result when comparing the C:\ and G:\ versions of


I am aware of Alternate Data Streams.

Is this a possibility I should consider ?

And if so how would I investigate ?



If you wamt to got down the ADS route, perhaps this

Thanks, Hazel.

I downloaded and searched Windows\winsxs and found nothing.

Then I searched Windows with only 23 results, one in Windows\inf and 22 in Windows\System32.

Then I searched E:\DOWNLOADS and found 140 streams.

It looks like every *JPG photo from my son has a stream ! !

There is no evidence of a Softonic stream on my system.

I was a little disappointed that Nirsoft would not scan G:\, the mounted image of C:\ as first installed.

Even after closing and restarting Nirsoft it did not consider G:\ a viable target

Whilst typing the above I started scanning the entire C:\.

Surprised to see that it has now finished with a total of only 28 items, none of them softonic.

My final questions - I HOPE ! !


Is it normal for Windows 7 to recognise that a particular file has not been previously seen on a secondary drive,

and because it is a *.exe file it decides to evaluate whether it causes a SideBySide Error ?


Is this SoftonicDownloader the only file my computer has seen which requires a "Component Version" of comctl32.dll that has a conflict,

and all the other exe's have needed dll's other than comctl32.dll,

or is comctl32.dll always involved and always without conflicts if the application was correctly designed/built,

and the problem here is just that SoftonicDownloader is not compliant to standards ?


May I assume that my system is good and has no intrinsic SideBySide errors built in,

and the problem is only dud applications that should never have been released.



I can't really think of much more that may help you Alan, I'll just keep my fingers crossed for you and that you manage to work it out.

Good luck :)

Thanks for trying Hazel.

I will now get on with my life.

