Sick of the childish games

Eldmannen now has this in his sig:

DjLizard has a small pipeline on his hardware which provides poor bandwidth which results in poor performance.

This is the second time I've been messed with, and I'm already sick of it [and after this post, I'm over it]. If TwistedMetal changed Eldmannen's sig to this then I'm DOUBLE pissed, and will not be returning.

Thank you.

We're all getting tired of it. Everyone whom has had it happen to them has complained. I've PMed MrG when it happened to me, along with this instance as well.

I dont think you should leave because of this though. If you decide to though still hang around Taruns forum so I can ask you questions if I need to. :D

Do you relise if you, Tarun, Andavari, CaPMan and I left this forum would pretty much die overnight. The people here would only get answers like this:

try deleting some startup programs using CCleaner (you dont have to go to registry editor) then delete the files that you deleted in the registry. Something like that... i dont know what to delete... check the property of the file if what company it belongs to... that's all i know.... that's what i did when i had that keeps on poping as my default homepage.... now its gone


That's funny and all, but please try not to bring this too far off topic. I'm not happy. And to anyone who is about to ask, no I don't think is too trivial. I don't appreciate having my location edited by a moderator that allows spam posts to stagnate, while he edits other users' signatures [and if Eld's signature is his own doing, then I apologize to you, TM, but you do waste a lot of time playing with people and not actually moderating posts]. Again, if TM did this, I'm not coming back.

It'll give CCleaner a bad name if it carrys on.

Whoever is responsible, that signature is OUTRAGEOUS!

The forum will deteriorate badly if a moderator lets C-R-A-P like that in. Libellous, slanderous!

Moderators should moderate, not (if it's true that there's messing around) agitate.

DjLizard, you're GOOD for us! But if you left, who wouldn't understand!

Personally attacking someone and modifying their profile data that is shown to every prying eye is a big no-no and shouldn't be tolerated at all.

Whomever is doing it needs to first stop doing it followed by publically apologisizing to DjLizard, hence a real standup kind of guy would do that.

DjLizard you're a very valuable member that provides solutions to problems that seem damn near impossible to fix or remedy. I would greatly miss you if you decide to leave, however I fully understand why you would choose to.

Just learnt a new word. I had to look that up, never heard of it before.

Before, Eldmannen's sig said "Happily married to Tarun."

This recently happened too. Thursday, July 14, 2005, 12:27:14 PM

MrG has been PMed before about this as well.

How do you know TwistedMetal changed Eldmannen's signature?

If you look at Eldmannen's signature, you can see that TwistedMetal is abusing his moderator abilities.


Happily married to Tarun.

A joke or not, that kind of thing is sick. He's done things like this to many people and some have not been very pleased with it. In all honesty, I'm quite pissed off about this. I'm happily engaged to a wonderful girl; though with things like the above there is a chance that problems may occur. Though I'm sure you know where I'm going about that. I just hope she does not see, or else I may have relationship problems due to TwistedMetal's "joke". I also have a screenshot of the signature in case you need it.

I know and respect that you are in charge of the forums, but I kindly urge you to reconsider TwistedMetal being a moderator. Perhaps there should be a few other knowledgable users as moderators for the forums. I know DjLizard would make a great moderator, and he's frequently on the forums too. I could also be a forum moderator if needed, as I'm more than happy to help.

Kind regards,


In response to his question about how I knew:

Here are links to some of the said threads where TwistedMetal admits to messing with people:

The reply from MrG was:

I'll drop him a message :)

This seriously needs to stop; it's abusing people's security, etc.

It is nice of everyone to write and be supportive, however, I only want three people to reply to this thread:

* Eldmannen,

* TwistedMetal

* MrG

Not related to what DjLizard is putting up with, however now my signature has been removed. Now I'm pissed off as well.


Edit: I see someone changed the "Do you wish to view members signatures when reading topics?" setting in my profile to No when I had it set to Yes.

Well I thought I had found a forum where this kind of BS wasn't going on.. Thanks to all this and I believe it is happening. I'm done here and will not be back. As for CClearner It works well but the first sign of anything it's gone too. If this is allowed by the maker of CClearner Then what might he allow in the program in the furture? adware? I know not right now, and Like I said I keep it for now. But the first time I hear of any doubt it's gone. Cause as far as I'm concern it's already had 2 strikes.. This being one. Don't bother to reply to this.. because I won't be back. But if you feel that You need to reply for others sakes that's up to you. I figure this will be removed by the same mods that love to play God here anyway. I enjoyed meeting some of you and I hope it all gets worked out, but I'm a member of other fine forums and don't need this crap. Peace out!

get your own thread ;p

Bumping this issue as it needs to be looked into, not sent out to pasture so to speak.

Did anyone send MR.G or TwistedMetal a PM?

Did anyone send MR.G or TwistedMetal a PM?

I PMed MrG when it happened, back when this was first posted by Dj. Nothing since. :\

Don't worry guys, I'm looking into it! ;)

Thank you.

Just returned from a nice sunny, sand and rest holiday to read this thread. It is very important that this site stays open and working. People such as me can be likened to novice swimmers in a pool with you guys as lifeguards. To have somewhere to come with problems that are treat with dignity and respect even if they are trivial, gives confidence. I owe this site, as do others. STICK WITH US PLEASE.

Just returned from a nice sunny, sand and rest holiday to read this thread. It is very important that this site stays open and working. People such as me can be likened to novice swimmers in a pool with you guys as lifeguards. To have somewhere to come with problems that are treat with dignity and respect even if they are trivial, gives confidence. I owe this site, as do others. STICK WITH US PLEASE.

I couldn't agree more,this site provides great support to a lot of people.It would be a great loss to see it go , :(

I couldn't agree more,this site provides great support to a lot of people.It would be a great loss to see it go , :(

It is more about the people who are getting "attacked" and are fed up with it. I am one of them.

This is being looked into, but what can be done? Also, anyone noticed TwistedMetal is still moderator and not suspended during the investigation?