Please make the "Shutdown after defrag" button remember its setting. In other words, once I select or unselect it, have it remain that setting until changed by the user. While it's not the end of the world to select it before defrag and desired shutdown, it is still a pain to constantly do so.
I have quite a few programs with a "Shut Down On Completion" check box, and none of them retain that setting at the next boot. Which is a good thing because the consequences of forgetting to uncheck this setting could be quite serious.
I don't think it will, or should be, made persistent for that very simple reason.
I have quite a few programs with a "Shut Down On Completion" check box, and none of them retain that setting at the next boot. Which is a good thing because the consequences of forgetting to uncheck this setting could be quite serious.
I don't think it will, or should be, made persistent for that very simple reason.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Then if they can't make the program remember the last setting for fear of people not being able to remember what they are doing, then perhaps they can relocate the check box to the front of the UI like Auslogics and IObit does. That way the user could just select it, without having to navigate to it through the menu/drop-down tab.
There you go, we've found the perfect solution to your initial request.
As you accurately point out, Auslogics "shut down after defrag" button (also inactive after reboot), is clearly displayed on the GUI, which not only makes it quick and convenient to use, it also advertises it's existence to users who aren't aware that the feature exists. (Lots of folk never read software manuals.)
I think moving Defragglers "shut down after defrag" checkbox to the front of the GUI would be a small but significant change for the better.
I guess we'll have to agree to agree then Yea, I could live with that compromise, let's hope Piriform is listening!