Shutdown after custom clean

Has this feature changed? always had this oprtion ticked then after using my computer I would right click on the recycle bin, hit run ccleaner, then after it cleaned it would shutdown my laptop, now its just cleaning and then leaving the laptop on, can I fix this?

It's not an option that I'd normally use, so I turned it on and did some testing.

Running a Custom Clean from the GUI shutdown as expected following the clean.

Following what you posted: right clicking on the bin and running CCleaner from the context menu did a background clean and also shut down as expected.

Which says that the option is working as intended and there is something particular stopping it on your machine, so lets see if we can find what it is.

To start with could you tell us what Windows version you are running? (eg. Win 10 Home v21H1)

And what CCleaner version?

And what Antivirus you are using and, if it's not Windows Defender, what version it is at?

Next please 'Restart' your machine, not a Shutdown but click on 'Restart'.

After the Restart try CCleaner from the Recycle Bin context menu again - can you see a CCleaner icon in your System Tray? (bottom right near the clock)

The broom should flash on and off while it's doing the background clean; is it doing that?

If not flashing (or if it still doesn't shutdown) then try opening CCleaner and doing a Custom Clean from there. Does it Shutdown your machine following the clean?

I'm trying to see if CCleaner is actually running a clean, if something like your antivirus is stopping it running then it's not going to be able to do the shutdown either.