"Shutdown after clean" not working in versions after v4.09?

I run CCeaner on four systems, all Win7 Pro 64 bit. In all four cases when I updated to any version after v4.09 the "Shutdown after clean" option does not shut down the machine.

The program runs correctly and closes, but the machine does not shut down.

In all four cases I restored to v4.09 and it then worked fine.

Is this a known bug?


Hi dg27,

I am sorry to hear that you are having problems with this feature.

Can you please let us know how you are running CCleaner? Do you use command-line?

If you are running CCleaner using the command-line "/AUTO", you have to add the /SHUTDOWN otherwise it won't shutdown.

CCleaner.exe /AUTO /SHUTDOWN

The "Shutdown after clean" option is only valid when not running CCleaner silently.

Please, let us know



>>>Can you please let us know how you are running CCleaner? Do you use command-line?

No command line: I have always just run it by right clicking the recycle bin and selecting "Shutdown after clean." It works in v4.09 (and all previous versions) fine

Same issue here. Win 7-64 (4.12). I run it by clicking recycle bin, but nothing happens with the flag on "Shutdown after clean" option.

Instead, with the Ccleaner window open, it works.

Thanks, we are looking into this.

For the time being, keep in mind that running CCleaner from Recycle Bin context menu is the same as using a command-line. After v4.09, command-line usage must include "/shutdown" parameter in order to shutdown the computer.

This is a problem if there are multiple users who cannot and should not be using command line prompts.

My users (across four machines) can use the recycle bin option to clean then shut down, but there is no way I want them messing with command lines.

This needs to be fixed. I won't move anyone beyond v 4.09 till it is.

Dg that's a bit harsh, but from the sounds of MrT's last post it may well get fixed in the next iteration (my response is unofficial, as opposed to MrT which is official)

I apologize if it came off as harsh, but that wasn't my intention at all.

The reality is that I can't risk having users run command line prompts, which is why I will wait for this bug to be fixed before updating to versions after v. 4.09

After v4.09, command-line usage must include "/shutdown" parameter in order to shutdown the computer.

Well, why don't you add this code to Ccleaner-Recycle Bin? :)

Well, why don't you add this code to Ccleaner-Recycle Bin?

My guess is that it's being added now and should be in a near future build (if not the next).

Thanks, I hope your guess will be right! :D

So do I.

I was baffled when this feature went away, which I only discovered when machines were still on in the morning (because the option no longer worked).

I have 4619 64 bit and I cannot shut the machine down other than with a cold shutdown with the power switch after CCleaner runs. Sometimes it will lock the machine no matter what I do and must do a hard boot. In a few cases if I can find some other app that will run and use the machine for a time it will shut down normally as long as I don't run CCleaner again.

I'm wondering whether there is any news as to when this might be fixed.

See the latest version, v4.13.4693 (24 Apr 2014) ...

- Improved Shutdown after cleaning and /AUTO command-line.

Version History:


Great--thank you!

I downloaded the new version this morning but did not consult the version history. Will check it out.

See the latest version, v4.13.4693 (24 Apr 2014) ...

Version History:


Thanks, updated but... nothing happens. Ccleaner in system tray with shutdown flag doesn't work properly.

I uninstalled and then re-installed with admin permissions. It still remains something wrong.


I have been experiencing the same thing for quite a while now. over several versions. My w7 machine doesn't shut down after I run CCCleaner.

Hopeful for a solution!


Based on my experience, the last version in which this worked was v4.9.4471.

I tried later versions and none of them worked in this regard, which is why I uninstalled and reinstalled v4.9 on all four of my machines.

I hanging fire on new versions till it's fixed.

Based on my experience, the last version in which this worked was v4.9.4471.

Thx, I think I'll do the same.