I have used CCleaner literally hundreds of times without any problems and with the same settings as in this instance. However, in this instance I had used MSCONFIG to configure for "Diagnostic Startup" and rebooted into Safe Mode. I ran "Cleaner" analyze & clean and then "Registry" scan & fix. After this I rebooted the PC and checked MSCONFIG. Nothing appeared under the Services tab and resetting to "Normal Startup" has not fixed the problem. Does CCleaner remove services that are disabled in these circumstances? Of cause, silly me, being so confident in using CCleaner after all this time, I did not let CCleaner backup before fixing things.
Do you have the box labeled 'Hide all microsoft services' checked? If all services had really been deleted from the registry, you would know it durring boot time. AFAIK CC dosent get into the the services and only scans for obsolete startup up items in the registry run keys.
What is lsited when you access Control Panel, Admin Tools, Services? Alternately what happens if you create a new user account and logon to that one and run MSCONFIG?
I have used CCleaner literally hundreds of times without any problems and with the same settings as in this instance. However, in this instance I had used MSCONFIG to configure for "Diagnostic Startup" and rebooted into Safe Mode. I ran "Cleaner" analyze & clean and then "Registry" scan & fix. After this I rebooted the PC and checked MSCONFIG. Nothing appeared under the Services tab and resetting to "Normal Startup" has not fixed the problem. Does CCleaner remove services that are disabled in these circumstances? Of cause, silly me, being so confident in using CCleaner after all this time, I did not let CCleaner backup before fixing things.
CCleaner version: 2.12.660
Operating System: Windows XP
Hello CCZ,
Welcome to the forums!!!
You are going to have to rely on ERUNT or System Restore, if you have actually messed up your Registry.
All is not lost - running services.msc revealed that all the services were still there but disabled. I found the following site http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/registry.htm - Windows XP Service Pack 3 Services Registry - which has available Registry Files for download which set either the Default startup types or the Safe startup types for services. I chose the Default settings. This covers most of the services except for some added ones which I will address manually.
The text file produced by a services.msc export is not very useful other than for reference purposes. The script above produces a .reg file which can be merged into the registry to reset the startup type for all the services present at the time it is created. This is a good backup facility. Granted, it may not be wanted often (if at all). However, if you get a situation where they are all disabled - you will appreciate the backup & quick recovery.