September Desktops:

Usual rules guys. Thumbnail size images only and no ImageShack.


Building your outhouse privy on-top of the roof is a good way to protect your toilet rolls from tramps in the woods

... :)...


Building your outhouse privy on-top of the roof is a good way to protect your toilet rolls from tramps in the woods

But you don't know where those woods are Alan. :P

... :)...


I've just been trialling Win7 login, and although this isn't the place to discuss it, I'll tell you via pm about a result of the install which reminded me of your recent dual booting adventures.

... :)...


Not to spin too far off topic but those folders are only there for legacy support which is why they're hidden by default. The actual path is C:\Users\Public\Videos (any programs pointing to the former, I believe, will be redirected)

The same with C:\Documents and Settings\ etc. All legacy support.


Excuse the mess on my desktop, it's been a while since I tidied it up :ph34r:

Thanks, winapp. I know that now (that you've told me).

By the way, that is the best explanation of that situation I have read.

I just had to take a poke at the genius who decided to call them public folders. <_<

AHHHHH.....Friends forever :) :) :)

MrG and MrRon I think Tas.


Aw c'mon mta, they're just two pears in a pod :)

Better late than never. Here's Number 29:


School is back in. :(

Teaching has ruined my desktop's organization yet again.

