Usual rules guys. Thumbnail size images only and no ImageShack.
Building your outhouse privy on-top of the roof is a good way to protect your toilet rolls from tramps in the woods
Building your outhouse privy on-top of the roof is a good way to protect your toilet rolls from tramps in the woods
But you don't know where those woods are Alan.
I've just been trialling Win7 login, and although this isn't the place to discuss it, I'll tell you via pm about a result of the install which reminded me of your recent dual booting adventures.
Not to spin too far off topic but those folders are only there for legacy support which is why they're hidden by default. The actual path is C:\Users\Public\Videos (any programs pointing to the former, I believe, will be redirected)
The same with C:\Documents and Settings\ etc. All legacy support.
Excuse the mess on my desktop, it's been a while since I tidied it up
Thanks, winapp. I know that now (that you've told me).
By the way, that is the best explanation of that situation I have read.
I just had to take a poke at the genius who decided to call them public folders.
AHHHHH.....Friends forever :)
MrG and MrRon I think Tas.
Aw c'mon mta, they're just two pears in a pod