I have scanned a 500Gb hard drive for lost files. Recuva found tens of thousands of files that are color-coded by recovery probability. Is there any simple method of selecting all files that are coded GREEN..? ...and NOT selecting RED or AMBER coded files..?
After browsing through the entire list of files, I thought it might be easier to simply select the blank checkbox at the top of the list on the first page... I was wrong..! Selecting ALL possible files will simply provide a massive list of files of unknown quality, making the overall recovery process unnecessarily confusing.
I'd appreciate any suggestions for selecting candidates for complete (GREEN DOT) recovery ..!
If you click on the State column header then the list will be sorted with Excellent being top of the list. You can then highlight the first filename, then shift/PageDown until all Excellents are selected. Position your cursor over the highlighted list, right click and select Recover Highlighted.
But I feel that it may fall short in what he is suggesting.
I feel there is a valid reason for him requesting that.
What you suggested works great (provided you only have 5, 10, or even a few hundred maybe?) files to recover.
But if you have a drive that crashed (it can happen!) because of a failing USB controller etc etc, & it corrupts the MFT file system such that the files are still present but inaccessible....
I have a 1 TB drive that has about 800 GB full. There are probably a few hundred thousand apps on it.
It would be a living nightmare to try to peck away, or even to try to scroll & select such a large list.
Having the option to click & select the Green/Orange/Red options would definitely save much time, frustration, & be much quicker!
I will +1 to his suggestion.
Not that yours is not a good one, but sometimes when you have a TON (literally) of files to sift through, you really DO need an auto some kind of something to help out!
Thanks for listening, & that is just my $0.02 worth!
If you click on the State column header then the list will be sorted with Excellent being top of the list. You can then highlight the first filename, then shift/PageDown until all Excellents are selected. Position your cursor over the highlighted list, right click and select Recover Highlighted.
Your multiple-file selection method worked very well... Thank you very much for your solution...
I recently did a deep scan on a crashed system disk (it took 9 hours). Recuva found over 140,000 files. I was going to select them, but it became to hard in Recuva. So I ended up recovering the types of files I wanted to recover (good and bad) and then scan them in windows moving the ones I wanted to keep into another folder. Finally deleting the recovered files in the folder.
I then went through and deleted the files which were too corrupt. I was actually amazed at how many files were not corrupt.
I also wanted to be able to recover the directory structure. I saw an option for this and set it, but it didn't see to work. However, it was after the scan was done, so maybe it will work next time.
Finally in the wizard be able to select multiple items, not just one or all.