Security holes in Malwarebytes

See here

Malwarebytes reply

I uninstalled v2.2.0 earlier today, excessively buggy behaviour and nearly unusable at least on my machine so it had to go and I only had it installed for 2 weeks.

I put that old v1.75 back on after rebooting from the v2.2.0 uninstall - but after seeing this post it's going to get uninstalled too.

I think it's still fair to say you are safer with MBAM than without it, even while they fix this current issue.

If you can use the current version! Something went very buggy in it for me.

Yeah, but aren't you one of the XP dinosaurs!!! :)

It's all part of their conspiracy to move you into the 21st century.

No, Andavari is right. The last few times I used MBAM it went bonkers. Everything would be fine till it got to the Scanning Files section near the end. I never saw the progress bar move even after 10 - 20 minutes. Then it would just dote forever on a small insignificant file (like a simple Read Me, etc.) or the dreaded TMContainer 000000000000001.regtrans-ms. And when I try to cancel the scan, that's when the real fun would begin. Nothing but a hard reboot would work. It's a piece of sh*t right now. Uninstalled. Waiting for a better version.

It was a fun ride, MBAM.

I have figured out after installing the old MBAM v1.75 that it has something to do with their signature files updates. v1.75 worked flawlessly after installation (without updating). I then updated the signature files, and then all went wacko with MBAM. So, I restarted Windows, and then MBAM wouldn't even launch as it was giving some read-only dialog, so it's gone off my system now too.

Malwarebytes antivirus ? :mellow: Malwarebytes ain’t an antivirus yo? B) how they called them antivirus ? :D

So, any word on whether MBAM has gotten their ...stuff...together yet? I don't see anything at their forum about the mess.

The mess all surfaced with the creation of version 2, so it's nothing new. Just glad I didn't waste money on a license.

I suppose I'm lucky, as so far so good with no issues with Malwarebytes (free version) on my two PC's Win 7 & Win 10.

I've just updated the database to v2016.02.17.07 - running on Anti-Malware

Yet another reason for "layered security" perhaps?

"nice feature"

The full version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware has a resident component that could cause freezing the operating system when AVG Resident Shield is active.

This error occurs when both components are performed simultaneously. Please uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware or disable the resident component.

I never had AVG in many recent years but MBAM would still cause freezing none the less. A typical scan from the freeware version of MBAM v.2.0+ would take at least 25 minutes or more. But nowadays it focuses and freezes on tiny insignificant files as if they were 1000 times the size of some malware photo app.