Security experts advise to stop using IE.

Not that you need an other reason to stop using this black hole of a browser but

Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for December 2008

Published: December 16, 2008

Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification issued: December 16, 2008

Microsoft Security Bulletins to be issued: December 17, 2008

This is an advance notification of an out-of-band security bulletin that Microsoft is intending to release on December 17, 2008.

This bulletin advance notification will be replaced with the revised December bulletin summary on December 17, 2008. The revised bulletin summary will include the out-of-band security bulletin as well as the security bulletins already released on December 9, 2008.

Is it true that IE are the worst browser? :blink: Ive heard all the bad stuff about it from people. Maybe i should do the switch to Firefox :P

Is it true that IE are the worst browser?

There is no such thing as a safe browser.

IE is no worse than Firefox and Firefox has its vulnerabilities.

Not that you need an other reason to stop using this black hole of a browser


IE is OK! Firefox is superb!

what else do I need to say?

Perhaps "Corona is brilliant"?

Perhaps we could say this...

I just installed this update through Windows Update and reboot required.

Thanks for that hazel.

>_< i just switch to Firefox from Internet Explorer and i think Firefox is good!

As I mentioned in another thread here...yes. You can use both FF and Opera on the same computer without conflicts.