Secure Erasing

When will secure erasing be implemented in CCleaner?

When MrG has finsihed developing it. Use Eraser until then.

When MrG has finsihed developing it. Use Eraser until then.

I was just going to request the same feature. I'm glad to hear he is working on it.

woops, i just suggested it again, sorry, (i probably should have done a bit of reading before i posted).

can't wait untill it's there.

When MrG has finsihed developing it. Use Eraser until then.

How safe is Eraser for for overwriting free disk space? I've had the program for a while but never had the guts to use this feature as I'm worried it might do harm.

It uses the same methods for overwriting free space as it does for erasing files and folders. Unless your a criminal of some sort and had your pc seized and inspected for criminal evidence. You then got a heavy sentence i think it would be safe to assume it didn't work. As your not a criminal(are you?) then i think its more then good enough to securely delete files(including free space) you may wish to delete.

As your not a criminal(are you?)

Not as far as I know :D

Dont have to be a criminal to be privacy minded or have a tad bit paranoia. ;)

I know im paranoid as hell, why do you thing i use ccleaner, eraser etc. :blink: . What i was trying to saying is that you don't know if eraser is actually making the files unrecoverable unless your pc gets inspected by file recovery experts.