There is a way to securely delete temporary internet files (TIF) which are locked by windows, using CCleaner. You will wish to move and overwrite 3 folders: Cookies, History, and Temporary Internet Files. You move them at startup to the C:\windows\temp folder. When they get to C:\windows\temp, CCleaner can securely delete them by overwriting them however many times you have told it to. The file names still exist, but the files are overwritten.
I have a DOS batch (bat) file that does it, but am not going to post it all here. Reason is that the file names for your installation of WXP may not be the same as mine, and the file paths must be described accurately in the bat file.
Sdelete is a great utility, but it will not easily delete these locked files on my computer, even after I move them. I don't know if Eraser will erase locked files or not, but CCleaner can do it automatically after they are moved to c:\windows\temp. This method is slower to set up, but when you get the bat file right and set CCleaner right, it is all done when you restart.
Well, here goes.
DOS does what you tell it to, not what you want it to. If you tell DOS to delete something, it sure will.
I will not accept any responsibility for damage or harm you do by performing this or any other operation. It works for me, but will not work for you unless you have the file paths set up right, have the .exe files in the right place, and have CCleaner and everything else set up right. The CCleaner team did not write, test, nor endorse this bat file.
If you don't know that you have everything right, don't run the bat file.
Sorry for the harsh language, but disasters happen when someone leaves out one little semicolon or letter from a bat file, or gets a file path wrong.
First, get on the internet and get 2 files: movefile.exe and pendmoves.exe. They are free at Unzip them into your windows system folder, usually c:windows\system32. Usually NOT c:\windows\system, although that folder probably exists.
How they work.
The Movefile command will move the specified file or folder when you restart. The moved file will wind up in the folder from which you ran the movefile command. Tifbat3 will run movefile from c:\windows\temp, so that the TIF files will wind up there.
The pendmoves command shows you if any moves are scheduled to take place on restart.
--The line describing "Source:" (without the quotes) tells you which file or folder will be moved.
--The line describing "target:" (without the quotes) tells you where the file or folder will go.
Second, download tifbat3.txt to your computer.
Third, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Edit tifbat3.txt to make sure all the file paths are correct for your computer.
This Bat file will delete all your cookies. If you don't want it to, leave out the line for cookies. Let CCleaner clean them using the options you prefer.
Fourth, set CCleaner options so that when you restart your computer:
It Does NOT
--clean Temporary Internet Files
--clean Cookies
--clean History
--Delete Index.dat files
It DOES clean
--System Temporary files
Fifth, rename tifbat3.txt to "tifbat3.bat" (without the quotes). This changes it to a bat file. Now it is ready to run (if the file paths are right). From now on, When you left click on it, it will execute. You might wish to make a shortcut to tifbat3.bat and drag it to your desktop screen. It will run from wherever it is, if you have DOS enabled.
To make it work, click on the tifbat3.bat file or the shortcut you made. A DOS window will open and you will get a prompt. You can then press any key to continue or you can exit. Unless you exit, the next time you restart windows, Movefile will move the 3 TIFs and CCleaner will overwrite them as many times as you have told it to. This will make your hard drive rattle and hum for a while. This takes longer if you have been on the internet a long time or if you have CCleaner set for multiple overwrites.
You should leave tifbat3 written so that you see the prompt every time. This is a safety feature, it allows someone to quit out of the operation if they start it by mistake.
I hope this file helps.
Be safe.