searching for software

Many thanks for all input to-CANNOT INSTALL/UNINSTALL NERO-problem. Running nero cleanpack several times and re-booting several times fixed it. Thankyou Hazelnut. I will try that.

Support at Nero takes much to long. I am trying to put together a dvd of home movies and photos,(grand-kids,etc.). Photo story 3 for windows helped part of the way but has problems converting to video when audio is included. Am using NERO VISION to add audio (two separate tracks) and burn to disc.

The audio on one track became very crackly and hissy,(for want of a better word).

Because of Nero support being much to long forth coming--can anyone reccomend a good, reliable editting and burning software that will do the job. Must have two or more audio tracks to record or copy to.????


I don't know much about video editing since my PC can't handle it very well but some time ago rridgely posted a link in this thread that is for a page with some info on desktop video editing and has a list of program recommendations [thanks rridgely]. There are a couple other posts in the thread with recommendations as well.

Hope this helps...


I don't know much about video editing since my PC can't handle it very well but some time ago rridgely posted a link in this thread that is for a page with some info on desktop video editing and has a list of program recommendations [thanks rridgely]. There are a couple other posts in the thread with recommendations as well.

Hope this helps...

Thankyou Mike. Found something that seems to have what i'm after. Take me a month to work it out.

Thanks again.