Although the registry cleaner in CCleaner is very nice, is there a way to add a couple things to it?
1) Find as you type (Just like it has for uninstalling programs, to make certain keys easier to find & select, as opposed to trawling hundreds, or thousands of keys.)
2) The ability to just search for certain key terms in the registry.
For example:
There is a computer that had Symantec 2006 antivirus on it. I ran the uninstaller & it uninstalled, but left keys in the registry.
So, I downloaded Symantec remover, but it suggested that a 2009 antivirus was installed that had to be manually removed first (it wasn't).
So I had to manually locate each key & remove them manually.
Problem fixed, so now I can run sym remover, then install an updated AV!
Do you think there would be a chance of adding find as you type to search through the issues found, in addition to a Search Registry function that will let you search for a key term that needs to be removed? This would make the process so much faster, & it would concentrate only on keys that are related to what you need to see if they need removal or not.
I would love, love, love to see that. I love the find as you type in CCleaner uninstall list, cause I have seen computers with hundreds of entries & it is like, well, where is that program, but find as you type makes it so much faster & easier!
If there is a chance of adding the same feature to the registry scanner, & also a way to search the registry for, say, keys containing Symantec, Norton, or whatever key you need to search for!
Thank you guys!
Anyone else like this idea too?