Search/Password changes

My wife "inadvertently" did something to cause changes.

When I start to enter something in the search area I get previous sites I visited. When I start to enter a password to log in somewhere my password shows up just as I start typing.

I don't know what she did but I don't want those things showing up when I do something like that.

Any help would be appreciated.


Why am I thinking of California right now?

Possible dangers to consider :-

Accidentally your wife has damaged your software and that may include any security software and anti-key-logging precautions,

and when your passwords are presented on screen before you complete typing them they may also be sent with a screen dump on the Internet to whatever is out there,

or even get pasted on your Wall when you next visit Facebook ! !

Worse possibilities are

Malware invaded your system somehow to log your passwords and report back to criminals for financial or identity theft ;

The wife was getting evidence against you ;

and either way something went wrong with the stealth mode that normally might conceal such actions from the victim.

What browser is this??

Richard S.

Hi, tommyk.

You could post up in the Spyware Hell section, might give you peace of mind.

Its here:

LOL you guys took this in the way extreme direction first :P

Check to make sure auto-complete was not turned on in the browser.

And I have no idea why corona is thinking of california nor what on Terra it has to do with the subject at hand :blink:

LOL you guys took this in the way extreme direction first :P

Check to make sure auto-complete was not turned on in the browser.

And I have no idea why corona is thinking of california nor what on Terra it has to do with the subject at hand :blink:

:lol: Wellll, yeah, a bit over the top, eh? It was early. Or maybe late. Not enough coffee, plus I've never used autocomplete. I wasn't sure about calif. either, but was afraid to ask.

CA women. Can't trust 'em. In a CA divorce court they'll tear you to shredded underwear.

Not personal experience, just hearsay.



Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Never noticed all that before, Nergal. Excellent advice. I learned that the hard way many years ago. I know better now. ;)

When I start to enter something in the search area I get previous sites I visited. When I start to enter a password to log in somewhere my password shows up just as I start typing.

This is one reason why I never share my computer with someone else and always encrypted my wifi with WPA because someone could try to gain access to your private stuff i.e. facebook account.

It's possible your wife had an accident with the browser settings or malware may have enabled this to steal your login details.

As a precaution you should run an AV scan of your machine, disable auto complete and change your passwords.

Richard S.

LOL you guys took this in the way extreme direction first :P

Guilty as charged ! !

I started life always expecting the best,

but Windows has caused me to always anticipate the worst and try to prepare against all eventualities.

I forgot to mention I'm using Firefox.

I've run Malware & Avast with no detections. I'll try OTL later and report back and look into "auto complete" also.

PS: There have been more "jokes" than help with this!

When my computer does anything different I go to Red Alert and identify why.

I trust my Comodo Internet Security,

but I have Macrium partition image backups to restore normality.

In 4 months with a new Windows 7 installation I have suffered two devastating wipe-outs by official Microsoft patches.

Each time Macrium brought me back.

I have never had a virus since Windows 95,

but I am still always on guard and when a Google link to a known good site gave me a XP Virus scan scamware showing trojans etc I instantly rebooted rather than click anything with the mouse.

If I was in your situation I would be very concerned and would :-

seriously investigate the possibility of malware/rootkits;

worry about whether it is malware/rootkit that is hidden too well for me to see;

decide whether to change banking account details etc.;

and restore the system to a previous state so that hopefully malware will not be active.

I'm using Firefox:

I made a mistake on my original post about typing in a password.

When I go to hotmail in it asks for e-mail address & password.

I start to type my e-mail address and the entire e-mail address comes up. That had never happened before. When I start to type in my password nothing shows up . . . I just continue to type my password.

In addition as I stated originally . . . when I start to search for a website and start typing most of my previous web searches appear in a drop down. That had never happened before.

Hopefully this will be a little more clearer for assistance.


Firefox's Password vault and/or Autocomplete is still the issue (different browser same issue)

On the Firefox Forum help page I found this:

If you don't want Firefox to remember what you've entered into form fields you can turn off the auto form fill feature.

Go to Tools, click Options, select Privacy panel, set Firewfox will: to Use custom settings for history, Remove the check mark from the box that says Remember search & form history. Click OK

Disabling form history also prevents Firefox from storing search history for the search bar in the navigation toolbar.

I will be trying this when I get home tonight.

I believe I fixed the problem by going changing settings in autocomplete. I no longer get websites in the drop down when I start typing a website and I no longer get my e=mail appearing when I log into a secured site.

I ran Malware and OTL as suggested and posted it in the spyware hell section. Malware didn't find anything, Avast didn't either. Superspyware did find a Adware.tracking cookie which I quarantined, but that was after I changed autocomplete.

Hopefully the problem is fixed.
