The new release of seamonkey has been released. ![:D]()
I've been using it since the beta and its pretty awesome. ![B)]()
If you decide to try it, don't let the ugly netscape theme fool you. The browser can be customized just like firefox.(mine actually looks like ff1.5)
Here is a great site for seamonkey themes/extensions:
This is one I`ve never tried. Will definitely give it a go, if only for the spell checker, which would have been nice in FireFox.
Might have spellchecker in the next release.
Firefox 2.0 does have a spell checker. ![:)]()
I had some issues with firefox 2 crashing every now and then.(which is unnacceptable. There is nothing more frustrating that having FF freeze when you have 15 tabs open and your trying to post on multiple forums.
) Seamonkey has been solid and has lots of the features firefox needs extensions for built in. ![:D]()
This is one I`ve never tried. Will definitely give it a go, if only for the spell checker, which would have been nice in FireFox.
Might have spellchecker in the next release.
What! Firefox does have a spell check. It also always had the Spellbound extension available.
Well guys, I consider myself severely reprimanded, and if I had a wet fish I would slap myself with it.
But (there`s always a but), although the spell checker box is enabled in options, Firefox has neva flagged a spelun misstayk.
I now know why. I did not have a dictionary add on.
Problem solved. One of you guys should have realised that instead of slapping me round the ear.
(Metaphorically speaking of course).