Defraggler have some problems with detecting SSD drives. For example I have M.2 SSD drive, it detected as HDD.
I want to suggest to add wizard to choose SSD drives in list of all drives? Thanks in advance.
Defraggler have some problems with detecting SSD drives. For example I have M.2 SSD drive, it detected as HDD.
I want to suggest to add wizard to choose SSD drives in list of all drives? Thanks in advance.
G’day gunter and welcome.
sadly, and annoyingly, this is a long time, often discussed, issue with both Defraggler and CCleaner that has had no offical response or resolution despite the regularity and quantity of such posts.
They fixed it in version 2.22 Finally!!!
that's great news.
sadly there are others still experiencing the some issue.
have you tried the new versions of CCleaner and Speccy to test they are also reporting your SSD correctly?
I tried, it detecting my disk as SSD, so everything fine.