SD recovery

Hi. I'm a newbee here.

I have just used Recuva to help find some files lost on my SD card.....and whilst watching the "files found" total rising, I was confidant that I would be ok.

However.....the "Files Found" total was 500......the files shown were 348...(?)

I've gone into the advanced modes and clicked on everything to be shown.........sadly though, the only images I have found are the ones I found using other programmes......I was told this programme was better than the rest?

Am I using it wrong?

Any help would be grateful


If you go to Options and tick Show zero byte and Securely deleted files then the files found and files shown should be the same.

No software can do miracles, but have you tried doing a deep scan? You may find more recoverable stuff there.

If you go to Options and tick Show zero byte and Securely deleted files then the files found and files shown should be the same.

No software can do miracles, but have you tried doing a deep scan? You may find more recoverable stuff there.

Many thanks.....

I'll give it a go..... :)