SD Card not being recognized ? No drives were scanned?

Hi, my phone's an EXPERIA E and i have an SD card that i bought before buying the EXPERIA. (so i have photos, music and other stuff from the old phone i used to have).

Last week i was listening to some music on my phone and suddenly it reboots and i get a message saying "SD CARD IS DAMAGED AND NEEDS TO BE FORMATTED".

I saw that i had lost almost all my sd card files (i only had my phone's memory files). Later i decided to format.

Now i installed RECUVA thinking it could fix my problem, but when i click START anything happens and it shows me this message:


Can you help me please?

Thanks :)



Hi Brunomobject, and welcome to Piriform.

My first thought is what do you have entered in the filter box? The error message actually reads "drives" and not "drivers". (I mention that to prevent confusion)


My second thought is to try plugging the SD card directly into your computers card reader, or make sure that your phone is set to it's "Mass Storage" mode which I'm guessing it may not be.

If it is, try the card reader suggestion.

EDIT: I edited the topic title for you. (drivers to drives)

Hi, i changed to "Mass Storage Mode" and it worked.

But when i try to recover my images and videos, they appear but you can't see them.. and the videos are like 1sec and you only hear sound. :(

so i have photos, music and other stuff from the old phone i used to have

I'm guessing from that, that your SD card has seen quite some use, and this can create a problem when you end up on the sticky road of file recovery. A well used card which hasn't been emptied and fully formatted for some time can contain a lot of fragmented files, which can be impossible to recover intact.

Not always impossible, but it makes failure more likely than not as recovery programs can't always find and assemble all of the fragments.

That being said, because you haven't actually deleted the files you're trying to recover and have hopefully only carried out a "Quick Format" on the card, make sure you have "Scan for non-deleted files" checked in "Options\Actions". In fact check the latter 4 boxes.

Let me know how you get on.

Hey, i tried that and it worked... Kind of..

The problem is that some files are "Green" but when i recover them to the desktop i can't see them (windows can't preview them)...

Hey, i tried that and it worked... Kind of..

Does that mean that you had some success?

With files which won't preview, it usually means that they haven't recovered completely intact although they do show the green flag.

Do they carry the correct file extension, and do they appear to be the correct size?

All I can suggest is to try opening them with something other than Windows. In the case of images, IrfanView has some success with opening partly damaged files.

IrfanView Portable: (Freeware)

Apart from suggesting that you try other free recovery applications which may give different results, and there are a few listed in this post ...

... there isn't a lot I can offer about the state of recovered files sadly.

Hope that helps.