Scroll wheel behaviour

I don't know if it is intentional, but here is my observation:

In a long list of entries (eg. RAM) I can scroll down with the mouse wheel line by line, but when I scroll up one notch the list jumps up ~30 lines. I find this somewhat disturbing.

Can someone comment on that issue?



Mine is ok. It's your wheel or your system.

It's your wheel or your system.

I doubt. In other apps my wheel behaves perfectly normal. Of course, in order to see the effect you need a list long enough to scroll down a few tens of lines.

In a long list of entries (eg. RAM) I can scroll down with the mouse wheel line by line, but when I scroll up one notch the list jumps up ~30 lines.

I see the same behaviour for vertical scrolling (v1.1.132). Downward scrolling is fine, upward scrolling is coarse. Horizontal scrolling is consistent both ways.

Can you confirm your OS for this issue?

Mine is Win XP SP3.