Scroll Bar needed in colored blocks area


I just tried Defraggler for the first time and I must say, I like it very much. One thing that I noticed is sorely missing though, is a Scroll Bar in the colored blocks area. One can't scroll down to see the entire diskscape of the fragmentation.

Was this an oversight by the development team? Please add this feature in a future version of Defraggler. Thanks.


I just tried Defraggler for the first time and I must say, I like it very much. One thing that I noticed is sorely missing though, is a Scroll Bar in the colored blocks area. One can't scroll down to see the entire diskscape of the fragmentation.

Was this an oversight by the development team? Please add this feature in a future version of Defraggler. Thanks.

The "colored blocks area" shows 100% of the partition. There is nothing to scroll down to.