Scheduling w/ Maximum Runtime

I have some very large volumes exceeding 7 TB. I currently use MS defrag invoked by batch files and scheduled tasks, but my problem is that defragging doesnt complete by the end of the weekend; so the server is slow during the following week.

If I could specify X # of hours/days to run the scheduled task before terminating gracefully, that would be a very nice feature.


you could always try putting on of these in a .bat file (i am running x64, so change it accordingly and use whichever matches what you are running):

@ echo off
taskkill /IM Defraggler64.exe

@ echo off
taskkill /IM df64.exe

that will request that all instances of defraggler to end gracefully. Then scedule a task to run that .bat file.

NOTE: the .bat has to be run at an elevated level.