Scheduling - things that I miss about it


As you know, as an additional condition for scheduling you can set:

"Start defrag only if computer is idle for: X minutes"

"Stop the task if computer ceased to be idle"

But the option that I'd like to have is actually:

"Pause the task if computer ceased to be idle"

And defraging should continue as soon as computer is idle again for the defined time.

Notice that "Stop the task if computer ceased to be idle" and "Pause the task if computer ceased to be idle" shouldn't be able to be chosen (checked) together. Only one of them should be enabled.


System Tray icon should appear when Defraggler starts scheduled defrag process. And it should disappear once that process is finished.

That will help me to know when Degraggler is in action and when HD crackling is caused by some other thing. Now, whenever I hear HD crackling, I have to open Task Manager to see if df.exe is maybe running.


And I actually miss a lot one more thing there too. After you chose "Start defrag only if computer is idle for: X minutes", you should have one more additional rule there: "If computer has not been idle that long, retry for up to: X minutes"

This shouldn't be hard to do since that option already exists inside of Window's Schedule Tasks. By default, Defraggler is setting 60 minutes there, but I would like to have a bigger number there (like 720 minutes). I know, I can already increase it manually trough the Schedule Tasks, but it's not that intuitive.

Basically, I want ability to set Defraggler permanently checking the idle time from the Startup to the Shut Down. Now I can't do it also because of the problem I described HERE.

my only concern would be, if paused, when the PC is idle again and ready to resume defragging, that DF re-scan the drive.

a scenario is, DF pauses, the PC then does 5 hours of who-knows-what until it's idle again and DF resumes. you've got changed restore points, temp folders, pagefile, MFT, personal data, Windows updates etc etc.

that's probably why it Stops rather then Pauses.

Good point, I guess. But, well - I would be happy with pause (stop) and defrag restarting too. But then it should care about another thing.

I mean, it would be bad if Defraggler pauses (stops), interrupted, and then waits 5 hours in process to re-scan and restart defrag.

It would be perfect if Defraggler could stop defrag as it already does, but remember that it was interrupted and start again as soon as system is idle again for X minutes.

And I actually miss a lot one more thing there too. After you chose "Start defrag only if computer is idle for: X minutes", you should have one more additional rule there: "If computer has not been idle that long, retry for up to: X minutes"

This shouldn't be hard to do since that option already exists inside of Window's Schedule Tasks. By default, Defraggler is setting 60 minutes there, but I would like to have a bigger number there (like 720 minutes). I know, I can already increase it manually trough the Schedule Tasks, but it's not that intuitive.

Basically, I want ability to set Defraggler permanently checking the idle time from the Startup to the Shut Down. Now I can't do it also because of the problem I described HERE.

Anyway, I'm using XP on this PC. ;) I'll add this suggestion to first post for better preview.

why would you want any defrag process continually running in the background and kicking in whenever the PC hits the idle trigger?

with typical use, a PC would only benefit from a defrag being performed as regularly as maybe twice a year.

obviously the more the PC gets hammered with file changes, the more it would benefit from regular defragging - but even then - maybe monthly would be all it needs.

but that's just my belief, each to his own...

Mistake. :(

why would you want any defrag process continually running in the background and kicking in whenever the PC hits the idle trigger?

You didn't understand it. It would run Quick defrag only once per day. But it would check idle time whole day, and do it first time it happened. That way I'll forget that Defraggler even exists, which is what I like.