scheduler info

Hi, after last Windows 10 update I found something that I cannot understand in the Speccy Scheduler subsection of the Operating System menu. Below the copy&paste:

16/08/2019 18.29; doggies-wallingdoggies-walling

16/08/2019 18.29;    kristine keetonkristine keeton

16/08/2019 18.29;    marijuana_nastiermarijuana_nastier

16/08/2019 18.29;    melanocyte disciplines neuteringmelanocyte disciplines neutering

16/08/2019 18.29;    psalms_ladaspsalms_ladas

16/08/2019 18.29;    stappstapp

16/08/2019 18.29;    teagueteague

16/08/2019 18.29;    doggies-walling

16/08/2019 18.29;    kristine keeton

16/08/2019 18.29;    marijuana_nastier

16/08/2019 18.29;    melanocyte disciplines neutering

16/08/2019 18.29;    psalms_ladas

16/08/2019 18.29;    stapp

16/08/2019 18.29;    teague

16/08/2019 18.53;    GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA

16/08/2019 20.00;    Updater_Online_Application

16/08/2019 20.34;    Nabsthenoly Core

Apart Googleupdate, all the others are some spam/virus stuff or is just ok?

Thx in advance for reply

Speccy scheduler subsection shows all the programs that get started when you PC starts.

running <em>msconfig </em>or CCleaner will show you that list and you can disable whatever you want.

and yes, most of that list are very suspicious.

I suggest it's time for some malware scans but due to Forum Rule 10 we are not allowed to actually give out malware removal advice.

if you click that link you'll see Rule 10 has some helpful links you can use.
