Hi, after last Windows 10 update I found something that I cannot understand in the Speccy Scheduler subsection of the Operating System menu. Below the copy&paste:
16/08/2019 18.29; doggies-wallingdoggies-walling
16/08/2019 18.29; kristine keetonkristine keeton
16/08/2019 18.29; marijuana_nastiermarijuana_nastier
16/08/2019 18.29; melanocyte disciplines neuteringmelanocyte disciplines neutering
16/08/2019 18.29; psalms_ladaspsalms_ladas
16/08/2019 18.29; stappstapp
16/08/2019 18.29; teagueteague
16/08/2019 18.29; doggies-walling
16/08/2019 18.29; kristine keeton
16/08/2019 18.29; marijuana_nastier
16/08/2019 18.29; melanocyte disciplines neutering
16/08/2019 18.29; psalms_ladas
16/08/2019 18.29; stapp
16/08/2019 18.29; teague
16/08/2019 18.53; GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA
16/08/2019 20.00; Updater_Online_Application
16/08/2019 20.34; Nabsthenoly Core
Apart Googleupdate, all the others are some spam/virus stuff or is just ok?
Thx in advance for reply