Schedule questions (shutdown, status)


i have some question for the schedule defragmentation:

1. When the task is running in the background (Defraggler Documentation: "df.exe, a 'silent' program that runs without any visible notification. df.exe is the version of Defraggler that runs as a scheduled task.") can i somehow check the current status of the defragmentation?

2. I need to often defrag my raid 0 because i write big amounts of data on it and its annoying to take care by myself on it. So i'd like to schedule this process and want to know what happens when the defragmentation is still in process and i shutdown my computer or get a bluescreen (sudden shutdown/crash). Is there anything that prevents the data from data corruption?

3. When i use the schedule process and shutdown my computer, when and where does the software continue to defrag? On the next schedule day? On the next reboot, because he couldn't finish the last schedule? This information would be nice to know, because the defragmentation for my raid can be about 6 hours long, but i don't always have my computer powered on.