I started scanning a WD external hard drive that has a 500GB capacity. The time it keeps giving me for how long the scan will take keeps going up. Right now it says 1day. Is that a normal amount of time for a scan?
Depending on the speed of the harddrive the speed of your USB (or FireWire) any hubs, and the speed of your computer. That said, the time went up, because it was in the process of estimating the time visibly. That said it's an estimated time and as the scan takes places the time will likely fall at a faster rate than 1second = 1second
And, just incase, there may be points where the estimated time may rise some or even stay the same during the scan.
I've been scanning now my 1TB (USB 3.0) external hard drive for almost 10 days and it's stuck at 64% (at least 4-5 days). Estimated time is still 5 days and it just keep increasing, is this normal?