scan.msi registry uncheck

Hello: is there a way to exclude a specific file from ever being "fixed" (eliminated/removed/etc.) by crap cleaner? The file is "scan.msi". I ran cclean 2.04.543 on XPproSP2 about 5 days ago, and hadn't scanned a page from our scanner for several months. But this time the hp software said "scan.msi" could not be found. HP does not pack this separately, I would need a cab reader to find in a 600 MB .cab, if at all. So it took several hours to R & R the whole scanner software, which caused the scan to succeed as before. Via googling, this is apparently a known issue with crap cleaner with this file (though I also use another cleaner as well, & will ask same question on their forum, to have all bases covered), with R & R the best solution. I want to continue to use cclean, but want this file excluded, didn't see it in the "registry integrity" section "scan for issues" results. There is only a checkbox for the "installer" types. I just want to exclude this specific "scan.msi" file, not all installers. I did look thru the beginner's guide & didn't see how to find/exclude a specific registry item (which didn't already appear in the issues results list-it was prob there, but simply didn't appear with its name "scan.msi"). Thanks.

I would use the Exclude File Option



I would use the Exclude File Option


Thank you, YoKenny. The png was helpful to show me what you meant. Will try.