Says 800 Mb ready to be cleaned and just clean 2 U_U

It's just like this, When I click on Analize, it says I have nearly 800 Mb to be cleaned, then, When I click Execute, it just deletes 2 Mb... Same problem every time I restart and use CCleaner :S

My O.S. is Windows Profesional x64.

Any solution or idea? Thanks!

Try to disable Options -> Advanced -> only delete files in windows temp folders older than 48 hours.

This helped on my computer.

But on your own risk. ;)

It's just like this, When I click on Analize, it says I have nearly 800 Mb to be cleaned, then, When I click Execute, it just deletes 2 Mb... Same problem every time I restart and use CCleaner :S

My O.S. is Windows Profesional x64.

Any solution or idea? Thanks!

Hello MuertoKo,

Some users have this problem and if they specify option at Options > Advanced Check options to Show detailed log then it seems to work.I have also seen in some cases where just the opposite works.This is just a workaround not a required setting.

Hope it works for you, Let us know what happens.Your detailed feed back will help to get this "bug" fixed.

:) davey

It was the 48 hout matter >_<

My temp's are more than 48 hours old but they weren't cleaned! (For example, I haven't used Nero for nearly a month and a hughe part of the Temp files that were not deleted (800 Mb!) were from Nero!


Thanks for quick reply >_<