Saving preferences & settings

I'm about to format my PC and I want to save my preferences & setting for CCleaner.

How is it possible ? I did not see any tool as Export/Import setting & preferences...

Would you tell me more please ???

My best wishes to all of you in this greetings season !!!

email address removed by moderator to avoid spamming

In ccleaner options - advanced, tick save all setting to ini file.

Then just copy the ini file (from the ccleaner folder) to your new computer and put it in the ccleaner folder there.

ccleaner.ini is a copy of what setting you use.

Merry xmas :)

In ccleaner options - advanced, tick save all setting to ini file.

Then just copy the ini file (from the ccleaner folder) to your new computer and put it in the ccleaner folder there.

ccleaner.ini is a copy of what setting you use.

Merry xmas :)

Thank you !