Saving IE7 Homepage settings

I currently use as my homepage. It allows you to regionalise your page by postcode. However although I have set the settings to keep cookies from the BBC every time I log off the homepage reverts to default mode. Can anybody help? Many thanks.

Hi Peter, and welcome to the forum.

I think I've found the saved information. You'll have to enable hidden folders. In Windows Explorer open Tools/Folder Options/View/...check "Show hidden Files and Folders".

Open CCleaner, go to "Options/Exclude" and select "Add File".

Navigate to: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Cookies.

In the cookies folder you'll find a text file called <username>[1].txt. Highlight that file and select "open".

The cookie will now be in the Exclude window.

Of course you do have that page set as your default Home Page in Internet Explorer. Have to ask as it's sometimes the simple things that are missed.

Internet Explorer/Tools/Home Page.

Post back if this doesn't do the trick.

Many thanks Dennis. I've done as you suggested re excluding cookies. Hopefully all will be fine.