I would like to save an image for use as my desktop. The problem is it is part of a powerpoint slide show and I have no idea of how to extract that image.
Does anyone knows if this is possible and if so, how to do it?
Thank you for your time
I would like to save an image for use as my desktop. The problem is it is part of a powerpoint slide show and I have no idea of how to extract that image.
Does anyone knows if this is possible and if so, how to do it?
Thank you for your time
Maybe drag'n'drop from PowerPoint will work.
If it is a .pptx file, rename it to .zip and search inside
Hi razz.
I think you have Faststone Capture, but not sure.
Launch Faststone, and then run your Powerpoint slideshow. If you can pause at the screen you want, do that and press your "Prt Scr" button. That makes Faststone take a screenshot of the current screen.
If you can't pause it, just hit the button when you see the pic you want.
This will probably work with other capture tools, but I only use Faststone, have tried it, so can only suggest that one.
Hope that helps.
If you rename a powerpoint file from .pps to .ppt, it will open as a series of slides instead of playing thru. Works for .pps files, and I bet for .ppsx also.
For example: rename BIGFILE.pps to BIGFILE.ppt, or even to BIGFILE.pps.ppt.
When you rename it to the original, it works just like it did at first.
Standard disclaimer: This works for me, might not for you, I am not responsible for anything at all, ever.
Edit: Sorry I cannot experiment right now...I have saved such images before and don't remember how. Am not using windows OS right now, so cannot try it out.
Because it was a slide show and only proceeded to next slide at the click of my mouse, I got around my slide screen capture issue by simply using Prt Screen and saving the image to Microsoft Word, then I performed a screen capture using MWSnap3. MWSnap3 is an excellent screen capture app. but as far as I know cannot be used with the Prt Screen button.
Dennis...I will check out FastStone Capture - thanks for your note.
Aethec...it had the extension ".pps" and changing the extension to .zip did not work.
Thanks all for your input.
So, I guess the Print Screen worked?
Razz, I did the same thing by right clicking a picture in a powerpoint slide, then selecting copy, then pasteing directly into mspaint. Then paint allows to save it in several formats. Saves a step.
Works when you have a powerpoint file with the .ppt extension and set it to "slide sorter view". Using Powerpoint 97.
If you do change the extension from .pps to .ppt, you get a warning popup, but the file will work either way: .ppt or .pps.
Razz, I did the same thing by right clicking a picture in a powerpoint slide, then selecting copy, then pasteing directly into mspaint. Then paint allows to save it in several formats. Saves a step.
Works when you have a powerpoint file with the .ppt extension and set it to "slide sorter view". Using Powerpoint 97.
If you do change the extension from .pps to .ppt, you get a warning popup, but the file will work either way: .ppt or .pps.
Thanks for the info login, will try that next time.
Note: I am submitting a post with a link to my photo gallery of "amazing pictures". Worth a look sometime.